Kenton started to scribble notes and mimicked the notes of the teacher on the board. He was having difficulty focusing, simply because he was excited to receive his next note from her. He had a friend, at least close to a friend. She seemed to enjoy his company a bit. And even just a bit meant a lot to him! He hurried through his notes, even threw his hurry, his handwriting was still good. The note slid back onto his desk and he delicately slid it under his notebook to hide it from the turning around teacher. Once the teacher wasn’t looking, he unfolded the note and hurried to read it. His face scrunched in thought at the question [i]What is my favorite dessert?[/i] He questioned to himself. His long fingers tapped softly against the notepad he was writing on. That was a question even he really didn’t know the answer to and the young man finally scribbled on the paper. [i]I’d actually have to say cake too, anything with cream cheese icing on it. What’s your favorite type of movie? I like a good horror movie myself. Something about being scared really gets the blood pumping. It’s like a roller coaster ride without the theme park.[/i] Once the teacher turned his back once again, Kenton slid the note onto her desk.