Eyes flicking back and forth, Christi bit her lip. On the one hand, Eli didn’t want her here, which meant that he thought this was a dangerous situation, that these people were dangerous. On the other hand, that girl was crying, and it was reminding Christi of that time she’d had to pull a big splinter out of Tillie’s finger. She’d made double sure to polish her carvings after that incident. Plus she was talking something about a gala? She’d overheard Nate, Vin and Jen saying something about that, how it was how they got their powers. Were these people like them? Whatever was going on, they were apparently running and scared. Exactly the kind of people that Tillie would have tried to help. That she would have wanted Christi to help. And who knows, maybe if there were other people around, it would be better if Danny came back. But if Eli wasn’t sure about them… As always, Christi looked to Jack. She’d learned long ago to trust the German Shepard, who always seemed to know things before she did. He was standing looking at the pair, ears up and alert. It was the same pose he would have whenever there was a deer or a rabbit nearby. When it came to people, that could mean any number of things, but there wasn’t any immediate danger. Taking one last look back and forth between the newcomers and Eli, Christi swallowed hard, and slowly walked forward. “Jack, sit,” she uttered, causing the dog to glance in her direction, at the strangers, then lick his chops and settle onto his hindquarters. Christi stroked his head, her free hand scratching at her pants as she crouched in front of the girl. “Um, please, don’t cry. What… what’s your name?” [@Stitched][@AcerRo]