[@Sylverblu] Anwen laughed lightly, completely unconcerned. "Oh, don't worry about it. Plenty of witches have peeked around my head before, you're hardly the first! Be careful, though," she waved a joking finger, "there's a lot of stuff packed in here! Don't get lost! But really, you're right! That's pretty much what I do!" Returning to what was talked about before, she laughed again. "Depraved? Egotistical?" She parroted. "Oh come on, you're not that bad! You asked to come after and talk to me, nobody's ever done that since I started working here! At least, not that I can remember!" Her mind raced as much as it ever did, wondering what she should do to find out more about Alason. [i]If I help him, he'll help me. Hmm, what do witches want? Witches want knowledge. He said he likes feeling smart, so he wants knowledge even more. Maybe if I tell him more about me, I can ask him more about himself![/i] She continued thinking, unaware that it had rapidly metamorphosed into thinking out loud. "What would be the best way to tell him more about me? Oh, I know! I could take him to my tree! That'll help him answer his questions, right? Right!" Her mumblings ceased, replaced with her leaning excitedly across the table, bringing her face uncomfortably close to his before resuming her usual speaking tone, albeit slightly louder and more excited: "Hey! You should come to my tree! I wanna show you it!" Without looking to see whether or not he was behind her, she leapt up and ran off, making her way quickly through town. The entrance of the forest loomed before her, and so excited was she that she barely noticed the flyer caught in a few tree branches, seeming to flicker in and out of reality as though affected by an illusion. She poked the tree, taking the flyer from its outstretched branches as it leaned down to her. Her eyebrows went up as she read it: [i]The kids from Gringore are having a party tonight? Ooh! I want to go![/i] She made to dive into the forest before remembering that she was supposed to be guiding Alason to her home. Sitting at the base of the tree, she inhaled happily, content to wait for him.