Vincent really didn’t like Eli. In fact, in light of the situation, Nate was becoming his new best friend. Comparatively. Seems like all Eli could do was point fingers and yell out commands at everyone like this was the military. But what did a city guy who essentially grew up partying his life away know about the military, or any of this? Vin never owned a gun, and never felt he had to own a gun, even in the face of all the shit that goes on in the world daily, he never felt insecure enough to want a weapon. Maybe it was a sort of street smarts he had developed over the years, knowing well enough when not to put himself in harm’s way, and or to simply talk his way out of a sticky situation. But good looks and charm only got him so far and out in the [i]wasteland[/i] of the Kentucky foothills, no one cared much about vanity, and guns probably spoke louder than words would on any given day. At Eli’s request, Vin took a few steps forward and reached down to grab the gun where it landed, his hand shaking a bit while trying to keep from dropping the weapon and looking more like an idiot. As he rose back up, he gave Brooks an acknowledging nod, which was more like a “thank you for not shooting me” gesture. He couldn’t help but feel bad for both the old man and his wayward kid, knowing exactly what it’s like to be suddenly swept up in a whirlwind of shit you can’t control, nor would ever want to be a part of. But here we are nonetheless. Vin reached into the driver’s side window, searched around for the switch to the headlights, and turned them off with a quick flip of his wrist before stepping back away from the truck entirely. Who knows what was about to crawl out of that thing. On the other side of the truck, Vin noticed the little girl suddenly recoil a bit at the sight of Christi’s German Shepard, which, as far as Vin was concerned could easily tear the skinny chick apart with no problem. But, no doubt the dog was trained well enough by her master not to attack without real provocation or if Christi herself was in immediate and direct danger. Vin looked back over to Eli and nodded. “Okay [i]Wyatt[/i], I did what you asked, so can we possibly put all the fucking guns away before your inner cowboy decides to get us all killed?”