Thomas was quite sure that the group ahead knew of his existence, so he wondered why they weren't doing anything about him. He was glad, though, since it meant he was free to do his work. He watched the group quietly, close enough to hear them but far enough, he hoped, to run away in case he had to. He hoped it wouldn't come to that. The puppet master scanned the area ahead as he watched the group walk towards the conflict. They took the lesser used streets, not quite the back streets but out of the way of the black guild conflict. This made tailing them a lot easier for Thomas, though he didn't dare reveal himself since he was quite sure that they would kill him without a second thought. So as he shadowed them from building to building, Thomas could only wonder what they were here for. He was certain that they were up to no good, they wouldn't be skulking around in such a group if they were. It was highly likely that the insurgents were working for one of the other coloured guilds, and he was pretty sure he knew which one it was. Thomas immediately ruled out the blue guild; they were a mercenary group, and even if they were partially responsible, they wouldn't be the ones who organised it, if Maribel Harper's infamous reputation was anything to go by. From what he heard about the red guild (mainly from Emma), they weren't really the type to do something sneaky. They had the capacity to, sure, but they didn't tend to. And he wouldn't pin the group as red guild material. The red guild was more straight forward, this wasn't their style. He would normally rule out the Green Guild as it's widely recognised as one of the friendlier guilds, but he couldn't rule out the suspicions he had of the Green King, even if he was judging based on appearances. With that said, he was at best 50-50 on that possibility. And that left the last candidate. Thomas took some screen shots when he could, of all of the members of the group where possible. He had to be careful but at least they wouldn't know that he was taking pictures of them. They could just assume it instead. Nevertheless, the group seemed to place him very low on the priority list as they moved onward. If Thomas's black city map was still correct, they were heading for the sanctuary. [color=gray][i]"What business do they have there?"[/i][/color] Thomas thought. If he was right, there was only one thing they could want in that direction. His suspicions were confirmed when the group halted - the vehicle dump of the Ebony Strikers. The conflict was fairly close to here, in fact, and Thomas quickly checked on his other puppet to make sure it was alright. It'd arrived close to the market place and was following some Strykers forward. He commanded it to break off subtly and hide somewhere with a good view. Voices snapped his attention back to the situation at hand, forcing him to switch back to his normal vision. He listened in as they mentioned a hit list and paper moon, and he watched as several small objects were released from one of their members. He tried following the movement of one of the objects but realised that his puppet would probably do a better job. He commanded it to watch the closest drone and looked back to the group just in time for him to hear the magic words. "TELEPORT, WHITE CITY!" Of course it was the white city. Of the 5 kings, the one people knew the least about next to Moon Rider was the White King. He wasn't exactly expecting the revelation but it wasn't exactly a surprise. He wasn't sure how the white king and Moon Rider were connected, but he wouldn't exactly find out now either. The group was gone and Thomas would have to make do. Thomas linked his feed to his puppet's and let the puppet control his sight. The pair followed the drone slowly, as he wasn't sure what it could do. It ignored him and made a beeline towards one of the guild tanks before disappearing into one of its crevices. Thomas stopped, cutting off the feed. He stared at the place where the drone disappeared as if willing to appear before turning and walking away. He hadn't seen where any of the other ones went to but he was sure they'd disappeared into other vehicles. Regardless of where they went, he had a choice. The information he had was probably important to the black guild but he was supposed to be the neutral party. Should he compromise his position or should he follow his conscience. And there was the matter of the group, which was almost certainly affiliated with the white guild, and he was sure that they'd seen him around. [color=gray]"Ha."[/color] Thomas chuckled, smiling to himself. As soon as he thought about it, he laughed at himself. He'd already made his decision a long time ago. While it was feasible for him, he would do what he wanted. Thomas quickly sent Moon Rider a message, leaving the sender section blank. [quote] [b]To:[/b] Moon Rider. [b]From:[/b] I saw something that might interest you. It's got something to do with the white guild. [/quote] Attached to the email were a number of screenshots. 1 of the entire group, 1 of the drones being released, a picture of the drone itself and a picture of the drone sneaking into the guild tank. Thomas sent the message and sighed. The message would probably bring him a lot of pain but he didn't care that much about it. He'd done something he wanted to and he would do his best not to regret it. Thomas walked away from the scene of the crime, towards the conflict, to see if there was anything that could top the night's events.