[h3]Henry[/h3] When the voice of a leader reached him, Henry reluctantly abandoned his plan of watching the action unfold and got to his feet before ambling over to join Denys. Though he felt healthy enough at the moment thanks to the healing magic cast by the Kaiser earlier, he produced his Nosferatu tome anyway. Contrary to what one might think, this dark mage held no compunctions about following orders he felt were fair. Anyone could guess that Denys meant to take these freaky newcomers on, and that sat just fine with Henry. Observing from a distance suited someone wishing to learn alright, but now he could take them apart chunk by chunk and see what made them tick. Gleefulness practically radiated from him, perhaps helping to counteract any panic that might have set in to the hearts of the others due to the Big Sister's display of power. [color=d8bfd8]"Got you covered!"[/color] he assured them. Without further ado combat began. Denys took the initiative, showing off an admirable Speed, as he rushed to engage the creature whose sorcery had turned the shack to splinters. Henry wasted no time doubling up in a Partner Attack. From this strategic position, a follow-up to an ally's attack could be made from safety, and with numerous other small benefits enjoyed as well. Magic coursed through his being, channeled through the open tome in his newly reformed hand. [color=d8bfd8]"Me, me, me!"[/color] That malignant purple energy called Nosferatu shone down on the Big Sister like a spotlight immediately after Denys made his attack.