[i][b]"So can you explain this roleplay idea of yours again? I don't really get it." says the girl. "Well, I guess what I'm looking for is a roleplay where a bunch of people who aren't happy with their lives do something stupid and actually end up making things much, much worse for themselves, and for everyone involved." says the boy. "So, like, Pulp Fiction or something? Like a bunch of people want stuff and things get out of hand really fast?" says the girl. "Exactly, though it doesn't have to be a crime story, though I do really love those. It can be a science fiction story, or a fantasy--" says the boy. "--or science-fantasy--" says the girl "--or maybe its a modern horror that has vampires, or werewolves--" says the boy "--like a Stephen King novel, or Stranger Things?" says the girl. "Exactly. But basically before we start the roleplay we've got to make sure we're cool with our characters being kind of stupid, or morally corrupt, or just plain unlucky despite good intentions. Bad things will happen to them --- more than likely they'll die." says the boy. "So...wouldn't it be a good idea for us to play multiple characters then?" says the girl. "Yeah that's what I think we should do. It'll be more fun because there's always the danger that these characters can, and most likely will, have really bad ends." says the boy. "So is this going to have lots of swearing, violence, and nudity in it?" says the girl "Because if it doesn't I'm not interested." "It definitely does" says the boy "The rating for this roleplay would be eighteen if it were a movie." "Cool, so, is there anything else you want to mention about it?" says the girl. "Well, actually there's this cool game element we can add into the story which can make this a lot more fun." says the boy. "Lay it on me." says the girl. "Well, so, basically every time we start a 'scene' with our characters one of us will either get to 'establish' the scene, or 'resolve' it." says the boy. "So if I were to, say, write the introduction to a scene where my character has decided she'll rob a convenience store, that would be me establishing it?" she says. "Yeah, and then because you decided what the scene is about, and what situation our characters are in, then I get to decide whether it ends good or badly for the character you're playing at the time." says the boy. "And most of the time it'll end badly, right?" says the girl. "Yeah, but maybe not. It depends on how you think the most exciting way for the scene to move forward would be." says the boy. "Cool, I like it. So we take turns establishing and resolving?" says the girl. "Yeah, though there isn't really an order to it. If you have a good idea to establish a scene that you really want to do, then go for it. If you're not sure where to go next, then you can decide how to resolve the scene instead. It's a fun way of adding a surprise element to the story, because you never know if things will go well for your character or not." says the boy. [/b][/i] I hope the above was a fun way to read the information dump I wanted to get across. Anyway, if you're interested please PM me so we can chat about ideas for a roleplay. I have nothing particular in mind but am up all kinds of fun scenarios based on my roleplay idea. Just a few ideas off the top of my head: - In a small going nowhere town the residents are caught up in their own personal dramas. They are completely unprepared for the slow infestation of Vampires slowly taking over the town. We'll play exclusively as the residents (not as the vampires). - Teenagers at a summer camp are caught up in love rivalries, fights, and competition, cooking up short-sited plans to screw over their fellow camp members. There may or may not be a supernatural/sci-fi element which works its way into the story as well. - The surviving passengers of a plane crash on a tropical island must work together to survive. Little do they know of the dangerous mystery of the island, and of the plans some of the survivors have to gain control over everyone else.