Planning on starting a rp that invovles white wolfs books known as Scion: Hero, Demigod, and God. It is also a d10 system For those who dont know about Scion, its a tabletop that bases itself around modern times, the world you see today, but with a added twist. Ancient Gods and Goddesses of Old(ex. Zues, Odin, Isis, etc)are real and your character is a child of these ancient myths of legend and they have finally came to see you. Now ages are 18 and up for the character, but the game itself is extrodinary, also anything that has a ounce of fame or in Scion terms Legend. Is real. For example....raccoon city or the weeping angels from doctor who, even Freddy Krueger. If this kind of game interests you. Download the books make your character, and become a legend.