Vuduin nodded carefully, following along with Drystan's explanation. Apparently the businessman appearance was not just for show, if he had the ability to bring a small band around with him and find as many false leads as he indicated. Doubtless he was somehow able to make use of his power for momentary gain in some way, though Vuduin wasn't terribly interested in the how. Interesting that he hadn't fixed the cigarette. A matter of preference or power? No matter. [color=gray]"Very well, I only have two more questions for now. What do you think I can do to help you that your 'eyes' can't and what do you intend to do with the orb? It seems evident that you intend to prevent this rampage, but without any real knowledge of what this orb does, I'm at a loss as to how you intend to do it."[/color] Perhaps it was something precious to Giratina and Drystan intended to hold it as a hostage of sorts. There was any number of things that could happen with an artifact that had unknown powers and Vuduin would prefer to know just what he was signing up for so to speak. Vuduin was also genuinely interested in why Drystan wanted his help. Perhaps he thought Vuduin had influence similar to his own, or powers that would be helpful in finding the orb. Of course neither were the case, but Vuduin would likely be willing to lend what aid he could all the same.