Looks fairly interesting, mind if I join in? [hider=CS] [b]Name:[/b] Jacque Marrow [b]Alias:[/b] Simbi [b]Age: 22[/b] [b]Race: Bokor (basically the voodoo equivalent to a witch/warlock)[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/b6ce/i/2007/314/9/0/dead_watchin_wip_by_vanheist.jpg[/img]- He stands at approximately 6'0" in height and weighs in at 175 pounds, beneath all of the makeup his skin is a light shade of brown. [b]Personality:[/b] Those who know him would best describe Jacque as a bit of a goofball. An intensely curious and slightly mischievous person, he values fun and novelty above all else, being easily side tracked at times by things that catch his fancy if someone doesn't take the time to hammer into him that a task at hand may be important. By no means does this mean that Jacque is ditzy or an airhead though; rather, he seems to lack any sense of urgency, something easily displayed via his somewhat slow and deliberate observation of things that he finds interesting. He's amiable and forthcoming, if not a tad bit crass in his speech and mannerisms at times, though he hardly ever seems to act with malicious intent. It's rare for Jacque to get angry, and rarer still for him to display his ire, though if one pays close enough attention they may just find that, in those brief moments, there's something about the guy that's slightly off. [b]Quirks:[/b]Jacque tends to favor scratching at a single specific spot on his head when something is vexing him, adding to this he tends to favor crouching and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet instead of actually sitting. He's prone to getting into seemingly one sided conversations with his pet (a sumatran short tailed python he calls Juju), which he tends to shrink and carry around under his hat. The guy has a mild obsession with eating mint leaves- we're talking on the order of eating a dozen a day. [b]Likes:[/b] Jacque is a sucker for new things be they items or experiences. A southern boy at heart; he also greatly enjoys cooking, almost as much as he enjoys roping people into trying whatever new dish he manages to cobble together in his kitchen. Jacque's affinity with the simbi he currently houses has left him with a strong fondness for gardening (or doing anything that involves digging really) and reptiles, snakes especially. [b]Fears:[/b] The man has few fears, but of the few that exist, his worst is being in a high up place with no stable ground beneath him. His other fears include a fear of losing his power, a fear of clowns, and a fear of bodies of water that he cant see the bottom of, but only the fear of heights can truly shut him down. [b]History:[/b] Jacque's story starts a bit early on in his life. Originally just a fairly normal boy living a mundane life in the suburbs, Jacque's life could be considered virtually indistinguishable from that of most other kids around his age save for one thing: His nana. His family on his father's side was perfectly normal, things on his mother's side however were decidedly more...interesting. As it turns out, his grandmother came from a line of voodoo practitioners, something she was all too happy to talk to young Jacque about her experiences to the chagrin of his parents. With interactions between the two mostly supervised it was often just nothing more than a story here or a medicinal recipe there. However, there were a few times where the two would be left by themselves. It was during those times that the real fun began. As it turns out, there were few members of the family that were a bit more gifted in the arts of voodoo, members such as his nana, and, as he would come to find out, himself. She would teach him lessons in the absence of his parents; small things like casting small illusions or potion making. With time however Jacque grew, as did his experience and ambition. He began branching out, making stronger potions, stretching the limits of his magical prowess by experimenting with other fields of magic such as elemental magic, and even making contact with the spirits known as the loa. Jacque's nana often cautioned him about making deals with the capricious spirits, something that he almost always took to heart, however there were still a few times where his curiosity would get the better of him. Said curiosity nearly landed him in very hot water when, after a particularly long night filled with failed rituals and botched potion brews, the then seventeen year old decided to hear one of the spirits out. It seemed harmless enough, a relatively docile simbi that offered him knowledge and power in exchange for a vessel through which it could come and go through the spirit realm as it pleased. With simbi being snake loa, Jacque's immediate assumption was that it would simply use his pet to do as it wished. Instead, the moment he agreed to the terms, Jacque found himself acting as a host instead. His only saving grace was that the simbi in question wasn't malevolent in nature, or at the very least, was uninterested in causing havoc, and was willing to stick to the deal laid out. It took a bit of time for Jacque to truly get adjusted, but within three years time he and the loa managed to come to an agreement of sorts and coexist without issue. Fast forwarding about two years further would find Jacque in Bludhaven, where, after several failed attempts to open up a spice shop due to rampant crime in his county, he would take to sorting out crime with the help of his powers and newfound knowledge. [b]Powers:[/b] Jacque is capable of healing and smoke magic to some degree, and can make contact with and communicate with spirits from other planes provided he has the necessary supplies for the appropriate ritual, but his real field of expertise is geomancy. If he choses to, Jacque can allow the simbi to take control for a bit to fight his battles, bestowing onto him a noticeable increase in magical prowess. His affinity with the simbi has given him to ability to talk to serpents. Whether they decide to listen or not is another thing entirely. [b]Strengths:[/b] -Extensive knowledge of magic and rituals -Moderate knowledge of potion brewing -Basic first aid knowledge outside of healing magic -Fairly athletic [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Easily distracted at times -Abysmal understanding of technological maintenance and repair (his skills there start and stop at "I can replace a light bulb") -Absolutely shuts down if forced into a high place -Limited to human level strength, speed, and endurance [b]Skills:[/b] -Cooking -gardening -knitting & crocheting (don't ask) -horticulture [b]Rumors:[/b] -He can place hexes on people: Technically he could, but it's a very time consuming and difficult endeavor, not to mention an inherently evil action considering the nature of hexes, he just likes to rattle criminals a bit sometimes by taking a strand of hair and claiming he'll make a voodoo doll of them. -He can raise the dead to do his bidding: Nope, this comes from most people not understanding the difference between necromancy and voodoo. He can zombify a person which still leaves them alive (albeit brainwashed), but that is again time consuming and difficult, not to mention evil since it's technically a form of slavery He sold his soul for his powers: Another no. If anything his soul just has a roommate now. [/hider]