[b][color=7ea7d8]Storm[/color][/b] Storm had a hand placed on his chin, lost in thought. It goes without saying that everything that has happened, up to this point, has been amazing and there were surely more surprises to come. Regardless, things seemed pretty strange. He juggled a few questions and ideas in the back of his mind and formulated a basic theory. Simply based off books and movies, things don't just happen to 'special people' without there being a catch, like something being wrong with the world. All that 'Every yin has its yang' mumbo jumbo. Storm snapped back to reality, when Xyalor began tugging at his shirt. He flashed the crystal dragon a smile and rubbed the top of his head "[color=7ea7d8]I suppose the truth will come to light, soon enough. Till then I should just enjoy the ride, right?[/color]". He would then give a quick scan of the room. People were starting to gather by the Asian girl he passed at the door. It appears as if she had been injured, but after a quick assessment of the situation, Storm determined that she would be alright. She had enough people aiding her, it sat on the verge of babying her more than helping. [color=7ea7d8]"Helping a friend in need is fine, but she won't make it very far if she has to rely on others to come to her rescue all the time"[/color] he predicted, thinking about the theory he had cooked up in his head. Storm soon realized that everybody was introducing themselves, while he remained a stranger. It would have to wait. He heard the large dragon speaking to one of the girls, distanced from the others. The dragon, first, mentioned her having bonded with a special dragon. His words made Storm laugh, though not out of spite. He, jokingly, nudged Xyalor "[color=7ea7d8]Looks like the teacher pinned his favorite student. We have some, friendly, competition on our hands... Let's show 'em what we're made of![/color]". Storm throw a fist out in front of Xyalor, for a fist bump, but the gesture obviously did not register. Xyalor sat there with a blank expression. Storm chuckled and gently bumped the center of Xyalor's chest. The large dragon then instructed the group to follow him to their rooms. Storm ran towards the others, with Xyalor at his side. "[color=7ea7d8]The brochure didn't say we'd have to run so much. Is this summer camp or the militaries basic training?[/color]" he joked