Once all three of the envoys from the Jedi's spacecraft made it aboard, she couldn't help but grin. Instinctually, she couldn't help but heavily examine these new people in front of her, like a predator examining it's prey. It wouldn't take a genius to tell that these three are heavily trained warriors. From the moment they walked in, she instantly spotted what would appear like unidentified weapons holstered to their sides. The way they present themselves shows discipline and training. Add these together and you've got a formula for danger. What made her so confident as towards the inferiority of these soldiers was given away by multiple aspects. For example, they seem to lack battle experience. It was not training that gave Savaymin the ability to quickly and efficiently annalyze the abilities and psyche of an individual. It was quite obvious that these men were quite possibly less knowledgable then they were about the current situation, and about the UNSC in general. This gave her the upper hand on total info. And indirectly, the upper hand in these upcoming diplomatic talks as well. [color=a187be]"Now that you have all arrived as it would seem, I would ask if you could please follow us to the mess hall where we will conduct our meeting. Our crew should have a meal ready for us when we arrive."[/color] Her tone is effective at masking her overly confident emotions. Together, the group makes their way out of the hangar and through a series of winding hallways. While traversing through the solar winds complex maze, she decides to strike up a small conversation. [color=a187be]"So..."[/color] she looks back at the alien like being who called himself a Jedi. [color=a187be]"Jedi Master Olu Bumdoa was it? I don't ever remember reading about your race in our databases. If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me more about you and your race? I am very curious."[/color] [@YaBoiKiba]