[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/49/50/c3/4950c3d20a4ca542a4b9f2140973a396.jpg[/img] Name: Eleanora Radley Age: 243 (turned at age 22) Affiliation: Mercer clan (loosely) Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSTRTv0xVlU]Team - Iggy Azalea[/url] Background: As a human, Eleanora was part of the merchant class and was part of a family of social climbers. She wasn’t well educated, but made a conscious effort to stay aware of what was going on in her house. Between her and her parents, she was able to wheedle into a marriage with a local minor noble. He unfortunately kept her mostly housebound. She had two children by him, one stillborn, the other died at several months old. With life dull, depressing, and unstimulating, Eleanora kept watching and listening for an opportunity to escape. She got her chance when her husband died suddenly, and she took as much of his money as possible and ran. She made it across the English Channel, but she didn’t make it far into France before she was mugged one night, bitten, mostly drained of blood and left for dead. Her attacker was sloppy and their recklessness meant Eleanora became a vampire. Broke, alone, feeling sick and crazy, Eleanora vanished into the forests of the Ardennes. She didn’t resurface for years until she’d gotten control of herself. She then fled from the Ardennes, having terrified the locals, and spent several more years drifting around France, quickly being outed in most villages, chased out at best and almost killed at worst. Even so, her ability to blend in was improving and by the time she reached the Holy Roman Empire, she was able to lead a fairly stable life, hopping from one major city to the other, mostly avoiding other vampires, and began exploring the education she’d always wanted to have by hanging around the universities the area held. She remained mostly undetected for over one hundred years, eventually exploring other European cities and universities, and eventually returned to England. Jonathan met Eleanora at an English university (not the first university he went to). She was already a vampire and he recognized her as one. Due to their similar study habits, they ended up spending plenty of time together, and Jonathan became smitten with her. He began to court her, and she liked him enough and humored his affections, but it wasn’t until he took her to meet Elizabeth did she take him very seriously. She joined the Mercer clan partially for Jonathan, partially for the safety in numbers. She considers education to be her key to survival. ~~~ Her role in the clan is to move to the town proper posing as Jonathan's wife, with her social skills and intelligence helping establish them as regular and trustworthy people. She also assists Jonathan with moving bodies and occasionally as an emergency messenger. [/center]