[center][h3][color=fff79a]Daniel Wilton[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] The force of the passing bullet whistling past rocked Magus slightly, obliterating a smaller building just past him. In a way the scale was funny, what seemed to be a fifty cal to Magus was far more devistating than a tank shell to his surroundings. In another way, that was terrifying. The car blew up just a few blocks away like a firecracker, and he could [i]hear[/i] the beasts rampage halt for just a few seconds. On his console, two capacitors suddenly lit up. [i]Movement.[/i] Daniel's eyes widened as he realized what had happened. The power originally used for movement the last few minutes had gone straight into the capacitors when he had slowed down. [color=fff79a]"Hell yeah!"[/color] A tap connected one capacitor to the LEL in an instant, and Magus peaked out from cover at an angle towards the distracted CMW's in B3. From here, hopefully his position wouldn't be visible to the Cruxi in C3. It took but a second to line up the targeter- and the streak of blinding white light leapt across the distance far faster than any bullet could hope to achieve, supersonic or not. Almost as if behind it, a roar of sound rumbled across the field, hopefully announcing death. The mech immediately ducked back without even taking the time to confirm the hit. Hit or not, if Cruxi could feel emotions, surely that would inspire some fear. He wasn't going anywhere though. They probably would think him vulnerable up close, but they would be oh so wrong. One finger constantly rested on the activator switch for the electrical field generator. One flick and those tentacles would be calamari. He couldn't possibly take all of them down, but they would suffer... hopefully. Magus shifted slightly, Daniel trying to figure out roughly the sniper's line of sight based on his current 'successful' cover. From the south, the sound of gunfire and destruction came closer as the enemy Cruxi laid waste to the city. It was clear that they planned to flush him out with literal scorched earth tactics. And then came a hail of bullets- For a moment, he couldn't figure out if he had been attacked or not, until a sonic shriek heralded the arrival of Yeager. The sound of another human's voice over coms was a blessing in itself. [color=fff79a]"Damn good to see you."[/color] It occurred to him late- possibly too late- Magus spun and raked his one good hand across the top of the building nearest him, throwing up a hail of debris and smoke into the air. [color=fff79a]"Sniper! Head down!"[/color] [hider=Info][color=fff79a]Magus-[/color] [color=0072bc][i]Move:[/i][/color] N/A Attack: B3 with LEL Capacitor Cooldown: [i]5[/i]-0-2 [/hider]