[Center][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/408c894888cc24da5c56ec907104b19f/tp2wzmy/WiWn6lzp0/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_evape7g11n48sww8s0o44gsgg_640.png[/img] Name: Violet Mitchell Age: 370 (turned at age 19) Affiliation: Reese Clan Song: [URL=https://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=HHP5MKgK0o8]Kill Em With Kindness - Selena Gomez[/URL] Background: As a human Violet was the only child of a high class family, while they weren't near poor, her father had married up and was very frugal man. He kept a tight hold over the money that came from her mothers family. While she was put into a wealthy school and well educated, she still had to deal with the other children, they would bully and make fun of her for the fact she couldn't go out or spend as much money as openly as they did. When she was around fifteen years old she started to get pains whenever she moved her left hand, and begged her father to start homeschooling her instead. She deeply believed it was caused by the mental abuse she was getting from the other students, but her father refused, insisting that she was making things up to get her way. Over the next year the pain only seemed to get worse, spreading from her hand to her arm, left leg, and right hand. However, she kept this to herself not wanting to upset her father and knowing he wouldn't believe her. It was her mother that realized something was wrong with her daughter one night when she wasn't even able to grip her folk over dinner. After what seemed like hours of her mother and father fighting they finally took her to the doctor. To their dismay they found out that Violet was not faking it, in fact she had a issue with her nervous system, the same one which her grandfather had dealt with for years, and because they had waited so long to get it checked the damage had already been done. For the next three years it only got worse, she was pulled from school as it hurt to walk for long periods of time. When she was nineteen however, she finally got relief. One night on her way back from the park where she was studying she was attacked by a man, he pushed her into an alleyway and bit down on her neck. That man was Jaspin, she had stumbled upon him hunting and he planned on killing her. Not that she had the strength to fight back anyway. As she started to fade off into the darkness, she could smell smoke and hear people yelling about a fire. He dropped her and ran towards the fire, for she would later learn it had been his house that had been set on fire. It was there in the dark alleyway that the bite took her, and when she awoke, she felt no pain, no weakness. When he returned to check she was already changed and though he wanted to kill her then, he couldn't. Forever greatful that she would never feel her crippling pain again she joined the Reese Clan and was its first member. Although she would never say it, in fear of upsetting Jaspin. There is a small part of her that is thankful for this Elizabeth woman he talks about. For without her interruption she would be dead.[/center]