[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=Khaki]Eduard Dautrive[/color][/h1] [img]http://www.famousbirthdays.com/headshots/stone-cold-steve-austin-2.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Conference Room [hr] [color=khaki]"Because it's a twenty page review. Do you really want to just sit here and wait for everyone to finish?"[/color] Ed said, looking toward Eugene. She was good at her job for sure, and the first call about financial questions. The whole 'pretending not to speak English' bit was starting to piss him off, though. Aidan's proclaimation only further soured his mood. He hated when the boss undermined his decisions. The phones threw Ed for a loop. Sure, they were going off pretty constantly, but all at once? Weird. The big man stood and started swearing up a storm in Creole, hating being interrupted like this. [color=Khaki]"Don't forget, people! Ny office! Pick up your packet and talk to your partners!" The Cajun barked, starring toward his office. He jogged toward his office, neatly organized as usual, the centerpiece on the wall being a signed, framed copy of Action Comics #775, and on his desk an open copy of Pathfinder: Horror Adventures, sitting right next to his phone, and the stack of peer review packets. (....I have no idea if it was his phone or not, so....yeah.)