Lior's sleep on her first night back at Hogwarts was restful. It was a relief for her to be able to lay down and know that she would be able to concern herself with other things than physical farm work. Later, from deep in her slumber, she woke with a start to the sound of a sharp cry of terror from one of the lower years' rooms. She squinted her eyes, unhappy to be waking but also curious as anyone would be. She was a little worried about a threat, but heard no thumping or other sounds of a fight. She saw others in her dormitory start to whisper and some slipped out to investigate, candles in hand. After consideration, Lior followed at a distance with her own fresh candle lit. She saw that everyone was bustled about a dorm, it was seeming to flood with girls checking in. Some didn't stay to see what was going on, but others slipped away after seeing there was no danger. A few girls in her year were crowded up front, and one seemed to be addressing the terrified girl. Usually, she might slip out, seeing nothing of interest, but despite her sleep being disrupted, she felt no weariness in her eyes and hung back by the door to watch.