[center][h1]Argus Lichfield[/h1] Physical State: Normal Mental State: Schadenfreude[/center] Lexington was, understandably, furious. The grizzled veteran of both the municipal police force and armed forces had gone red in the face with seething rage. Argus, on the other hand, remained almost impossibly calm as he was assaulted with all manner of obscenities. Even after all these years, the stark contrast between the attitude of a Grunt and an Officer was unmistakable. [color=662d91]'Inspector Lexington.'[/color] The words came slowly and with poignant force behind them. Once upon a time, the tone would have been followed by countless whips to a recruits face with the butt of an Officer's pistol; a ceaseless onslaught of agonising strikes that would put a disrespectful Private back in his place. But there would be no bloodshed, not today. He still [i]needed[/i] Lexington, as much as he loathed the idea of working with this sad sack of shit. [color=662d91]'First and foremost, you will refer to me as my correct title of 'Agent', as I'm sure my papers will verify if you find my story to be unsatisfactory. Second of all...' [/color] He began pacing the office, taking in the accolades Lexington had acquired over the years. [color=662d91]'... Second of all, by no means are you 'off' the case. But regrettably-'[/color] (And here he paused a moment and smiled condescendingly at the Inspector for effect) [color=662d91]'- any future work on the case must be cleared by and referred back to myself. The Atkins case is hereby formally under federal jurisdiction. Of course, if you have any issues with this, I can always phone the commissioner and explain how you defied a direct order from a Federal Agent. Or perhaps I can ring the Bureau and explain to them that your refusal to cede the case is indirectly assisting our enemies?'[/color] A photo on the desk caught his eye; it was one of a much younger, much less angry Lexington standing proudly amongst his platoon before being shipped off to the Front. He picked it up and looked at the smiling private, who stared unflinchingly back. He glanced at the man before him - these were not the same two men. The real Barry Lexington, it seemed, had died on the frontlines, and the soldier who came home was merely his shadow. It was funny how easily the flame of youthful innocence could be extinguished. He placed it back down. [color=662d91]'Now Inspector...'[/color] Argus produced a journal and pencil from his coat. The Inspector was speechless - while Argus had won the battle, but he had the feeling that his own personal war had just begun. For now though, he was safe to enjoy the sadistic pleasure that came from turning Lexington's tiny little world on its head. [color=662d91]'I'm going to need you to grant me access to the current case files, and a full list of known witnesses to Atkins' untimely death. Oh, and do think hard, because I'll find out if you're lying...[/color]