Does watched as those he spoke to respond in sequence, though mostly to his dismay. But it didn't really matter too much as their gracious host had shown up, though not particularly in the flesh. He shifted on his heels watching as Kil'threx spoke to each person in particular. When his turn came and the single rope of energy came towards him he perked up, taking a half step forward to listen to what he would be offered and what he was told made him quiet literally giddy. To have his realm grow and spread across all of the known mortal world. Letting everybody enjoy the satisfaction of war and to see what it is like to feel red, hot blood flowing through your fingers... Perfect... As he continued and eventually left, Deos spoke up once more but unlike his fellows his mind did not stray to betrayal and deceit but instead was damn near blinded by the thrill and idea of battle, [color=red]"Fuck sake, this prospect of war has got me harder than Hell-Plate. Who cares about all this sneaking and conniving. Let's just fucking kill them! I say that we start far away and close in on them, trapping them in their owns walls."[/color] He commented, though his words were less focused on actually helping and more towards getting to the bloodshed. Which in a sense was a good thing as his bloodthirsty armies could do wonders for distractions, assaults, and supply disruptions. Perhaps even taking out Meloran's neighboring allies to separate them from getting reinforcements. And for Deos as long as swords are drawn he'd happily partake in the events there... Many of his new 'allies' in this little quest had already voiced their opinions about betrayal and sabotage which was a disgrace regardless as actions such as that were just... pathetic. If you can't beat your foe in combat you have no right to try and sneak behind them anyway. Though at the same time he didn't share the goals as they did. He existed to bring war to teh world, once that was done he would be a happy man reveling in the constant conflict. He had his goal and his drive, which may not particularly be said for some of his fellows. Regardless it didn't leave him much of care as what he had, stood to gain, and wanted could be reached easily by just participating in this little adventure... Patting his beasts on the head they both reared and started to walk towards the blood map with their master leading the way, looking to see what madness could be discovered from their collective minds looking at the situation.