Cassilda pushed forward beside Kayden. The throbbing pain in her back told her that she had avoided a falls worth of broken bones by trading it for bruises and strains. It didn’t matter if she didn’t survive of course, and she wouldn’t survive unless they did something fast. “It’s the Invocation of Kazi-Nercht,” she hissed urgently, “You said these were simple bandits!” She could tell by the blank look that the name meant nothing to Kayden but the elf’s face drained of color. Cassilda made a gesture with her sword. They had to kill them now before… well maybe not think about that. “Get the door open,” she told him dragging a small bronze amulet from her pouch and wrapping it around the pommel of the weapon. “There will be seven of them at least. That's just for the ritual, I can't speak to how many guards.” Standing up she tried the door tentatively. It was locked of course. She held up three fingers, bringing one down with each second untill she had a closed fist. Then she leaned back and drove her foot against the door with all her might. The door and the fitting were solid but the masonry that the bolts were anchored in were ancient. Even so it took two kicks to dislodge the thing. Hoping that others would follow she rushed into the room. A dozen men stood facing a thirteenth man in the center of the room. The chamber itself had been hastily swept clear, ancient junk and debris was still piled in the corners. One soldier leveled a crossbow and pulled the lever. Cassilda twisted sideways as the lethal bolt cut through the air she had just occupied. Raising her sword she began muttering a counterspell.