[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/127353-s-h-i-e-l-d-academy/ooc][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=S.H.I.E.L.D.%20Academy&name=quasitronb.ttf&size=50&style_color=5757C2[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Jeremiah Cliffton - 'Sage'] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Jeremiah%20Cliffton&name=MODENINE.ttf&size=100&style_color=2E8C57[/img][/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/re5yuCW.jpg[/img] [i]"[color=seagreen]There is no great genius without some touch of madness[/color]"[/i] - [color=green][b]Aristotle[/b][/color] [hr][hr][hr] [url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Dossier&name=MODENINE.ttf&size=45&style_color=2E8C57[/img][/url][/center] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Name ►[/b][/color] [indent]Jeremiah Cliffton[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Alias ►[/b][/color] [indent]Jerry, Cliff[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Codename ►[/b][/color] [indent]Sage[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Gender ►[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Age ►[/b][/color] [indent]22[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Ethnicity ►[/b][/color] [indent]Caucasian[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Place of Origin ►[/b][/color] [indent]Dublin, Republic of Ireland[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Sexuality ►[/b][/color] [indent]Homosexual[/indent] [center][hr][hr][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/57/07/53/570753903d7cfcf8473b360de265ec33.gif[/img] [hr][hr][hr] [url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ability%20Profile&name=MODENINE.ttf&size=45&style_color=2E8C57[/img][/url][/center] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Powers ►[/b][/color] [indent]Extensive physical tests of subject 'Sage' have revealed a range of abnormal but beneficial physical abnormalities. When subject was first examined, most of these powers had barely manifested themselves but later tests determined that said powers had since increased their potency or effectiveness. Bi-weekly tests since have determined that the both the subject's powers and the speed at which the powers are improving are on an exponential curve. That is, subject Sage will not only become more powerful over time, the rate at which his capabilities increase will grow as well. Only time will tell whether this unique situation has a cap off point or adverse affects upon the subject.[/indent] [indent][b]Abilities, measured against the average for human's of the subjects age, gender and lifestyle.[/b] [color=green]■[/color] Approximately 1.5 of the human average [color=green]■[/color] [list][*]Speed [*]Strength [*]Endurance [*]Durability [*]Reaction Time[/list] [color=green]■[/color] Approximately 2.0 of the human average [color=green]■[/color] [list][*] Healing Speed [*] Learning Speed [*] Information Reaction [*] Situational Awareness [*] Logical Problem Solving [*] Hand-eye Coordination[/list][/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Skills of Note ►[/b][/color] [indent][color=green]■[/color] Rudimentary Combat Training [color=green]■[/color] Since coming to the S.H.I.E.L.D. academy, the subject has undergone an intensive combat training course, covering a range of basic moves and styles. In time, the subject's abilities will make him an extremely effective combatant but for the time being, he's strictly a beginner. [color=green]■[/color] Marksman Training [color=green]■[/color] The subject has not put any exceptional amount of time into practising his marksmanship but his exceptional abilities (improved reflexes and heightened hand-eye coordination) make him considerably more effective with ranged weaponry than most. [color=green]■[/color] Knowledge of Art history and practise [color=green]■[/color] Before developing his abilities, the subject attended a university course in art history and practise. His education has since been interrupted but he continues to use painting and illustrating to express himself here at the S.H.I.E.L.D. academy.[/indent] [center][hr][hr][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/fb/e4/22/fbe4227a4a06499630dcebc4ab8b6070.gif[/img] [hr][hr][hr] [url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Psychological%20Profile&name=MODENINE.ttf&size=45&style_color=2E8C57[/img][/url][/center] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Mental Evaluation ►[/b][/color] [indent]The subject has displayed considerable interpersonal skills, making friends easily and with multiple different personality types. He is well liked around the base, in part because he is outgoing and adventurous but mostly because the subject seems to take genuine pleasure in getting to know and help those around him. Recorded interactions with his trainers, colleagues and even personnel around the academy have revealed that subject not only makes friends but keeps them. Team building exercises have shown him to be a classic 'facilitator', going out of his way to make sure each person is enjoying themselves and being constructive. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the subject has a positive outlook on life and is in robust mental health. He terms this as 'taking each day as it comes' but the evaluator's description would be that the subject has a finely honed sense of the important and unimportant. He copes with failures by rationalising how vital they are to his wellbeing and continued success in his training, a very healthy method. Similarly, he unconsciously shares his victories, likely to make sure that they do not blind him to what he needs to do. This way of approaching life allows the subject to remain motivated on a day-to-day basis and to maintain a large number of interpersonal relationships. In short, the subject is ideal for acting in a team environment.[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Physical Evaluation ►[/b][/color] [indent]The subject is in good physical health, not least thanks to the increased metabolism of his improving system. This, combined with his training, is rapidly building his muscle mass from its unremarkable state upon arriving here. Before, he says his only excise was a bi-weekly jog. Now, he enters into multiple training sessions a day. The subject has taken good care of his appearance, leading to healthy skin, hair and complexion. He has never had a piercing or tattoo, apparently because he doesn't wish to use his body as a canvas for art.[/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Biography ►[/b][/color] [indent]The subject was born in Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland, to a pair of academics, one who taught English Literature and the other History. He received a childhood full of education, being home-schooled by his parents until the age of fifteen. What is interesting to observe is that the subject did very little emotional growing in this time, following the work course set by his parents and interacting with other children but rarely. It was with his release into the general student body of a sixth form college that the subject truly bloomed as an individual. He found friends and interests not taught in his home and subsequently ditched many of the courses chosen for him by his parents in favour of liberal arts studies. The subject's discovery of both his skill and enjoyment of personal interaction seems to have been helped rather than hindered by his long period of seclusion. He appears to treasure every moment spent talking to others, preferring any company to no company, and analyses interactions in a more active way than most people ever encountered by this examiner. Indeed, this quality makes examining the subject a trial, at times, for his habit of examining the examiner and examinations makes it harder to form accurate impressions or descriptions of him. This may also explain some of the reason for his dislike of the more grounded, concrete subjects; mathematics, the natural sciences and so on. He associates these times with the period of his life spent without the company of peers and therefore avoid them. Obviously, he associates the arts with his first taste of freedom and is drawn to them. The subject was pursuing a further education in this field right up until the events that brought him to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention. He was struck by a car on his way to his classes, the impact breaking many of his bones and destroying his bicycle. But when he was brought into the hospital, they found that his injuries were healing at an extremely unusual rate, nearly twice that of similar cases. While this would normally not be enough to warrant the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D., one of the senior doctors at the hospital in question once served with Agent [REDACTED] in [REDACTED] and decided to make his friend aware of the existence of what seemed to be an enhanced or abnormal individual. S.H.I.E.L.D. arranged to covertly study the operative and detected a range of abilities that seemed to be increasing apace. It was around this time that the subject was formally recruited to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy.[/indent] [center][hr][hr][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/92/7f/4a/927f4a2f612bf06c72c3280c9cf902db.gif[/img] [hr][hr][hr] [url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Extras&name=MODENINE.ttf&size=45&style_color=2E8C57[/img][/url][/center] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Likes ►[/b][/color] [indent][color=green]▲ People, whatever the shape or size.[/color] [color=green]▲ Art, in all its myriad forms.[/color] [color=green]▲ Conversation, the back and forth of chat.[/color] [color=green]▲ Salty foods, fish 'n' chips a favourite.[/color] [color=green]▲ Loud music, classic rock for preference.[/color] [/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Dislikes ►[/b][/color] [indent][color=green]▼ Loneliness, any company is better than no company.[/color] [color=green]▼ Calculations, no room for interpretation.[/color] [color=green]▼ Sweet foods, or drinks for that matter.[/color] [color=green]▼ Alcohol, never liked the taste.[/color] [color=green]▼ Driving, bad experiences in the past.[/color][/indent] [color=seagreen][b]◄ Miscellaneous ►[/b][/color] [indent]The subject was once part of a punk band called 'Safety Punch' for several weeks.[/indent] [/hider]