[i]Well that was unexpected.[/i] Nyra gritted her teeth in annoyance as her lions did virtually nothing to light the room. A dying candle would've looked more impressive, it was pathetic. It was difficult to see in the darkness, but there was definitely some serious damage being dished out...and not from her 'side'. Eyes widening, Nyra stared as she saw a terrifying visage. "What the hell, is that Blake?!" All horns and demonic spikes, she was sure that the terrifying half-demon would be more than a match for the creatures they were facing. Her hopes were soon shattered by one of their assailants pinning Blake to the floor. "Oh." Nyra shuddered as he let out a scream of pain, her own hand clenching to dismiss her lions - there was no point wasting her energy, her only power was useless. If those like Blake - and Tamara, Nyra thought, rolling her eyes at the fact that she'd sent the hotel room up in flames - couldn't hold their own -with- powers that actually worked somewhat, what was she supposed to do, shoot at pitch black and hope she didn't hit one of the team? That's when she noticed a creature staring at her. It stood, all cold and dark, and Nyra could almost swear it tilted its head. "Fuck this," she muttered, holstering her gun. "I'm not going to join in this, I'm leaving". The darkness seemed to smile, as Nyra turned to walk down the steps out of the room. "Where the hell are you going?" There was a fist grabbing at her clothes, and Nyra snarled, knocking Tarn's clawed hand out of the way. "They might need you up there, why are you leaving?" "Fine words coming from one avoiding the fight entirely, hey?" She ignored the fact that Tarn was attempting to protect Layla, as even so, it seemed much less dangerous than up...[i]there[/i]. Perhaps it had something to do with him clutching his head earlier. "I'm completely useless. My powers don't do anything, at least the others can fight back, so why the hell should I stay around? To be a meat shield? I don't intend on dying just yet, so no thanks," she left the building. "I'll be at a pub if you find a use for me," Nyra laughed. "Come, let us go up." Tarn agreed, making sure Layla made it up the stairs ok, but she was more than capable. He felt foolish for assuming she wasn't. Annoyingly, or thankfully, the fight was over, and Tarn sighed - he wished he could've helped more. The only problem was that an agent was now missing.