[center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Kiara1.png[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/180ea643014b0c5041c88ab00f21f5b5/tumblr_mfsu6vLSdL1qlj6xoo1_400.gif[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] Early Afternoon [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The lake [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Morgan [sup][@FateWeaver][/sup] and later Vlad [sup][@KuramaaaZ][/sup]. Laurel [sup][@Aspen Wren][/sup] and Asmund [sup][@Fetzen][/sup] are present but not addressed.[/center] The calming cool of the lake water was like balm to her flushed skin. The workout had raised the the temperature of her core, so the refreshing swim was much needed. Taking the time to relax as a reward, Kiara floated on her back with her arms behind her head and let the sun bathe her skin, which was now a glamoured pale porcelain instead of stony grey. In rare moments like this, she let her guard down in favour of peace. [color=silver]“Good Morning, Kiara”[/color] a cheerful voice from a very close proximity startled the faerie. Kiara let out a small chirpy scream as she flailed out of her dead man’s float and into an upright swimming position. [color=silver]“Lovely time for a swim, eh?”[/color] Morgan asked with a smile painted in mischief. Kiara giggled and splashed at him playfully. [color=red]“You got meee…”[/color] Kiki admitted in a defeated whine, her smile hinting that she wasn’t wholly upset about it. [color=red]“How is your break going?"[/color] she asked, moving closer to the warlock. [color=red]“Learn any new magick?”[/color] Kiara asked, remembering that she had something to show him. [color=red]“Professor Bertram suspects that I am an earth elemental fae, she helped me with a trick at the end of the semester.”[/color] Kiara cupped her hands in front of her and started to focus intently at the empty space within them. The air swirled and shimmered in a way that humans might describe as looking like ‘pixie dust’ as the object started forming. A [url=https://farm1.staticflickr.com/188/377095207_05943794f7_z.jpg?zz=1]water lily[/url] colored like a sunburst of purple and orange was now in her hands. She smiled and lifted them to tuck the flower in Morgan’s hair. There was an uncharacteristically soft, innocent look to her light pink eyes as she gazed up at him. The affectionate moment was ruined by a startling, explosive sound. Kiara turned in the water to the source of the sound. One of her favorite trees was up in flames on the school grounds. Truth be told, Kiara loved each and every tree, it was in her nature. Regardless, this was still one of her favorite trees. To see some kid disrespectfully setting fire to it riled her up to know end. [color=red]“Morgie, can you help put it out?”[/color] she asked in a hiss as she marched her way out of the water and towards the group, expecting the water mage to follow. Kiara’s hands were balled into tight little fists and her small stature was laughable, but the dark, menacing aura she held made others think twice before mocking her when she was truly angry. Her eyes just a light pink were now a scarlet red, blazing brighter than the conflagrant tree. [color=red]“WHAT do you think you’re [i]doing[/i]?”[/color] the Unseelie girl asked the red-headed boy with bared teeth. They were sharp and pointed, distinctly non-human despite what the rest of her glamour suggested, yet it was her eyes that pierced him as she fiercely awaited an explanation.