I stand behind the GM on all of this. Fan will make a great companion/teacher to the Avatar, and I foresee only great things for this RP. As for Sang, I will grab any chance I can get to play her, and with this crew I will probably laugh all the way. Just a few things, ideas and stuff to clarify. Bodyguard, not teacher - ie not primarily there to pass on skills. I will have a closer reading of the Avatar's appearance and try to match it a bit better to open up the possibility of also being a "body double". Profile format, are we only talking colours or is there anything I have missed? I skipped that on purpose while I made the character (faster that way) but can have it up and running like the rest shortly. I will try to find a good picture of Sang's appearence without the uniform and makeup. Whether or not she'll take her off... We'll see :) Thank you for this chance of participating in the game. I'll do what I can to make this a great one.