Name: Malcolm Rowan Alias: Sandman Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: [url=] See Here[/url] Age: 26 Role: Scout Equipment: [url=] Mk IV Recon Armor[/url] [url=] Railgun Rifle[/url] - or - [url=] Silenced Cartadge Light Automatic Rifle[/url] (Depending on the mission) [url=] Duel Cartadge Pistols[/url] [url=] Combat Knife[/url] Bio: Malcolm grew up on a small farm on one of the various inhabited rim planets. His parents were killed in a raid on his native town when he was a kid and adopted by him aunt and uncle. Life was dull, boring, and all around miserable on the farm. Malcolm wanted nothing more than to leave. He passed time shooting rodents that tended to get into the crops. When Malcolm was 15, the SSA established a military outpost on the planet as a staging area to quell the nearby riotous colonies. Seeing this as an opportunity to get off of that rock, Malcolm signed onto the SSA military two years later. After proving himself as a superb marksman during training, he was assigned to the 132nd Infantry Corps as a sniper. He served three years with the 132nd, seeing a wide array of battles across the galaxy. Malcolm was transferred into a special operations squadron, the Green Mountain Boys, to provide reconnaissance/overwatch. The Green Mountain Boys conducted a handful of successful strikes over the next few years against various enemies of the SSA. Things were going too good however, and things took a turn for the worse for Malcolm. On the Green Mountain Boys last operation, Malcolm was forced to make a split-second decision between saving one of his squadmate's life or a civilian transport full of innocents, and chose the one unsatisfactory to the SSA. Despite his heroism, Malcolm was dishonorably discharged because he did not "rise to the call of duty" and sentenced to serve in a prison among the rim planets. The Crimson Legion had been keeping their eye on the case since it started, and were not going to let Malcolm's talent rot away in jail. Thanks to the Crimson Legion, the SSA never saw Malcolm's arrival at the prison. Now being a wanted SSA convict, Malcolm had no choice but to join up with the Crimson Legion. He trained for several weeks to bring his skills back up to the satisfaction of the Crimson Legion and is now serving active duty with the mercenaries. (I can change how he got into it if you want. I'm not sure if I understand correctly what the group is or not. Is it a full fledged organization or just the crew and the ship... Like Firefly or something?)