His gold and teal eyes glanced up at the clock before looking down at the note. A smile moved across his face as he read what she wrote and couldn’t help but nod. That was hard to believe that she enjoyed the same movie style that he did. Maybe they could actually get together this weekend and what some of his favorite horror movies. A small chuckle left him as he nodded towards the note before closing his book and packing up his things as the bell rang. Climbing from his seat he slung his bag over his shoulder and smiled at her. “Can I walk you outside?” A grin moved across his face showing his straight white teeth again before the two left the classroom. After a decent amount of conversation they made it outside and Kenton turned around the school walking towards the back of the school where he had parked. “Do you want a ride home? Or wherever you’re going next? I have to stop by the library in town so there really isn’t a place outside of my travels.” He asked with a smile as he pulled out his keys and beeped his [url= https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3c/2c/bd/3c2cbd9d05bce7521d9d2a22b98013c1.jpg]yellow convertible Ferrari 458 unlocking it.[/url] He seemed to park away from the whole school for one reason or another.