I hate most modern, major buildings/national wonders or land marks, or whatever you. motherfucking. call them. shit,there all just really big fucking towers now. Mostly office buildings for work and hotels for really rich people. England creates big ben, a massive clock that despite being tiny compared to other land marks bridge the universal gap of class, language, intellect and ability because it let everyone, from anyone, for any reason, for any wealth. Know what the fucking time was. I know it's stop ringing now because it became redundant after many, many, many decades of service with phones. That's useful. Because it played a pertinent role in everyone lifes, even visiting foreigners. It became memorable both by looks and function. Now it's all just...hey...look...I made a big ass tower. It was impressive the first few times but now it's getting silly. It's 2016. Can't we get some landmarks combined with tech. You know, maybe a massive computer hub landmark for experimental AI intelligence or genetics or transhumanism. Or fucking, something. If I see another, waste of space building like The Shard. Whom's entire gimmick is...it's big and another smooth glass oddly pointed building I'm going to become more exhausted than the ambitions of these architects. Shit, I respect that this shit takes time, money and, motherfucking. skill. I'd just like to see a building that's impressive with an actual use that is distinct too or an atleast artistically meant to represent a nation or ideal. Wait, is this meant to be in bitch fest.