[hider=Eshi] [center][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/c6ca/f/2013/354/c/e/wibben_skavenwarlord_by_wibben-d6ym7qr.jpg[/img] [h3]Eshi[/h3][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Race:[/b] Rakeesh, Rat Men in the common tongue [b]Equipment[/b][list] [*]Reinforced Leather: Bruise colored leather reinforced with iron rings. This armor protects Eshi as well as keeps him hidden in dark places, a staple of Rakeesh Warrior-Assassins. Highly modifiable. [*]Tinted Goggles: Rakeeshi eyes are very sensitive in sunlight and thus Eshi where's this goggles outfitted with darkened glass. [*]Bloodletter: Long and thin, this sword is a thing of precision rather than one of war. While not forged with Wyrdstone like the greatest of Rakeesh weapons, the Bloodletter is still quite the scalpel and wounds made with this blade bleed heavier than they should. [*]Miscellaneous Assortment of Knives: Small blades of many different makes and modles, this motley crew of murder sticks are used in a variety of situations. [*]"Spice" Bag: Eshi contains many things in this bag, half of which are poisonous. The other half is pleasant smelling spices, herbs, pork bones, primitive soap, and several whet stones. [*]Wyrdstone Coins: Created from refined Wyrdstone, these coins are used to denote a clan Eshi kill back when it wasn't confined to one member. Eshi himself uses them out of tradition and respect, keeping the memory of his people alive through his acts of assassination. The refined Wyrdstone is stripped of any impurities and is left a bright green, caustic coin which burns into the victims skin. They are usually inserted into the eyes, forehead, or inside the mouth depending on the victim and their perceived wrongs against the Rakeesh. They are contained in a lead dispenser. [/list] [b]Abilities[/b][list] [*]Cunning Linguist: Eshi is proficient in many languages, able to at least converse in the native tongues of all major players. [*]Scurry: Rakeesh are quick and nimble creatures, outmaneuvering those they cannot overpower. [*]Gutter Runners: A natural affinity for filth and mazes has led to Rakeesh being masters of the sewers, marshes, and anywhere filth reigns supreme. [*]Vermin Connection: Rakeesh love vermin, especially rats. They see their best qualities in them and have a special bond that isn't unlike that of dogs and man. Tunnel Vision: All Rakeesh have perfect nightvision at the cost of intense light sensitivity, sunlight effectively blinding them. [/list] [b]Talents[/b][list] [*]Rakeeshi Warrior-Assassin: Too big to be a Sneak-Thief, too small to be Ravage-Guard, and too dumb to be Wyrdstone Engineer, but a good enough mixture of all to be the face of the Rakeeshi people. Eshi is trained in the art of sneaking about, silently killing, and putting up a decent fight if thats what it comes down to. Have it be known that a rat doesn't have to be cornered to put up a fight. [*]Poisons, Herbs, and Spices: As is the norm, some jobs need a more subtler touch. Thus every Warrior-Assassin is trained in the art of poisoning, Eshi is no exception. However he has taken this training further and knows which herbs can aid in the healing process. Also... he's picked up cooking somehere along the road, a touchy subject he doesn't like to get into. But if you have some spices, meat, and some vegetables... well you'll get some dinner. [*]Climbing Higher: All Rakeesh are able to climb, however the Warrior-Assassins turn this into an art. As long as it isn't too steep or shear, Eshi can climb it. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] While still retaining his species characteristic caution and paranoia, Eshi is quite bold by Rakeesh standards. He isn't immediately afraid of those who are bigger than him and in fact needs a show of power to give anyone an ounce of respect, usually by showing military prowess or shrewd cunning. All of this isn't to say he is an honor bound fool, the last thing you'll see Eshi do is run howling and screaming [i]"Honor!"[/i] into the fray. He picks his battles carefully and weighs every option he can because only fools rely on instincts. On a personal lever it is difficult for non Rakeesh to gain Eshi's trust, especially if they are human. However he is pragmatic to a fault and will at least tolerate your presence until it's all over. However, should you somehow gain his trust you will find a steadfast ally in your endeavors. [b]Biography:[/b] There isn't too much to be said about Eshi's story. He was the prized scratling born of a litter, possessing many great traits needed for becoming a Warrior-Assassin. The training was harsh and brutal, many of his fellow trainees dying from one reason or the other, but in the end Eshi was successful and began his life as the face of Rakeesh. Eshi spent many years running gutters, stealing food shipments, taking contracts from both the Firebrand and Kingdom, and generally being an annoyance towards both sides. Then the fires came. They burnt down Eshi's home nest. females and children roasted alive in their homes, warriors split open on the ground, and the caches raided. Eshi tried to kill them, no matter how futile it was. He failed, ran through and left for dead in the muck of the sewers. As tradition dictates Eshi's name was stricken away and replaced with that of his clan, the last shame of the whole sordid affair. Alive but wounded, Eshi began the long process of piecing together how Man-Things found the nest and how to kill them as slowly as possible. Fast forward four years and Eshi isn't much closer to the answers he seeks, only uncovering the names "Galloren" and "The White Scars". In an effort to fund his search and possibly kill even more Man-Things, Eshi has accepted Linona's offer of joining her motley crew of killers... at least as long as it benefits him. [b]Other:[/b] Wyrdstone: A very corrupt and deadly form of Lapis only found in the Rakeesh capital lands "Rakould", a barren and dour place. The properties of Wyrdstone are... well odd. In its natural crystal state it gives whatever weapon it's attached to increased durability, a deadlier edge, and a sickly green glow. When ground into dust it becomes a form of powerful blasting powder, igniting from any high energy source to become a great green fireball. Finally, if mixed with water and roots native to Rakould Wyrdstone creates a terrible poison. In high doses it will kill nearly instantly, but if diluted it will cause the victim unimaginable agony for days. Queekish: The language of the Rakeesh, a very chaotic and fast spoken language consisting of squeaks, trills, chitters, and liberal use of body language and pheromones. It has not been deciphered outside of the Rakeesh people. [/hider]