Within moments of the missiles being fired, all of the pilots had taken action, to the Captain's relief. However, one plane seemed to be faltering in her reprisal. Looking around what he could see as he chased the MiG, he decided that the other pilots could take the baton. However, he didn't leave the fighter without so much as a good bye. "Lieutenant, unlock from the MiG, but give it a burst of the 20 mil, would you kindly?" "Sure thing, Cap." The Erusian WSO said as she opened fire on the cannon, crippling the MiG-29. "Not bad, Lieutenant." The Belkan immediately pulled the plane off from behind the Fulcrum and directed the plane towards a position where he could aid the A-7E Corsair II that seemed to be having problems. "Angel Witch, we'll be helping you out." At that moment, Oracle once again game on radio. [b]AWACS[/b] [b]<<[/b]A-Team, I've got two important announcements. First of all, we have managed to intercept enemy communications without them knowing. We'll relay anything that's not just random chatter. Second, reinforcements from McNealy Air Force Base should be here in about fifteen minutes. We just need you all to survive until then.[b]>>[/b] "Got it Oracle." Erika spoke in response, but she was shortly interrupted by an enemy transmission. [b]Enemy Air[/b] [b]<<[/b]Major, these guys are actually pretty damn good! Permission to break off?[b]>>[/b] [b]<<[/b]Negative, Lieutenant. We just need to hold these guys at bay while Mask Squadron gets here, then we can leave while they wipe things up. Ten minutes about.[b]>>[/b] Charles made a bothered expression under his mask as he heard this. Mask Squadron? Suddenly, he was broken away from his thoughts by the sight and sound of two of the assailants exploding in unison. [b]AWACS[/b] [b]<<[/b] Scratch one for Meteor, scratch one for Romeo. That leaves eight of them. Give 'em hell guys! [b]>>[/b] "Looks like we need to pick up the pace, Captain." His co-pilot put in as he nodded. "We can start with that MiG chasing Angel Witch, if you want." She noted as she readied to make firing preparations. "Exactly what I was thinking." He finished as he slowed down his plane to give himself in the pursuing MiG some distance, making sure not to let anything get on his tail. When it passed, he pushed to full throttle and the Phantom rocketed ahead after the MiG. Since the MiG was more focused on chasing the less maneuverable Corsair, it allowed him to easily make a lock. "Fire, Lieutenant." "Alright. Fox-Two!" She exclaimed as she fired the missile. The SDM left its canister without problems and soared through the air with ease, landing a powerful hit on the MiG. It began to spin, and it broke away, but it quickly regained stability. However, it began to turn away. [b]Enemy Air[/b] [b]<<[/b] Captain, I've been heavily damaged, cannot continue to fight. I'm RTB.[b]>>[/b] [b]<<[/b] Fine, but don't expect any of us to protect you. You leave by yourself![b]>>[/b] With this, the plane's targeting indicator, changed by the AWACS, turned to yellow, indicating a non-essential target...