Frid was lightly snoring away in his seat, at the back of the bus. He needed the rest, after all yesterday he put an end to his life in the States. Or at least had put it on hold for a long period of time. He woke to the screeching breaks of the buss and by the time he managed to come to his senses he was about to get put back to sleep. The backrest of the seat in front of him made direct contact with his head... [center][i]Before him stood his mother doubled over in crying, beside her, his father attempted to console the woman. This was out of their control now, Frid had chosen his way. He had even established his route, well the route was something all three of them established hypothetically. But both his parents underestimated Frid's thickheaded resolution. Frid tried to reach for his mother, but she seemed to pull back drifting farther. His father attempted to give his son a disapproving look, but in his eyes one could read only proudness. He was proud of Frid and of his choice to stick with the mountains. After all paralysis was one of the most memorable gifts a mountain can bestow upon those that try to climb it. And Mt Marcy had been very giving towards his father.[/i] Come on mom, I know what I'm doing, I ain't my father...[/center] "I AIN'T MY FATHER!!" He found himself screaming. He was already pulled out of the bus and lied on a stretcher, and his backpack set next to him. He felt his head, the doctors had bandaged it, but it didn't seem to be actually split, as the pain suggested. A doctor noticed he was awake and came to check on him. After the usual checkups for a head injury, the doctor asked a few questions to check his memory. He could answer perfectly to every thing, but when the doctor asked about any family Frid became reluctant. He told the the doctor that his mother had a heart condition and that he would announce them himself. As there was no open injury he was let off rather easy. With a sigh of relief Frid jumped into the first cab and asked the driver to take him to the closest pharmacy. The cab driver grumbled initially at the meager fare, but he calmed down fast enough when he was told that he was also hired for a ride up to Park Minnewaska got him there with time to spare. After paying the man Frid headed directly to the Pharmacy, he had a prescription for painkillers and wanted to buy some sleeping pills for the flight. The boarding was rather quick and he was really happy now for the window seat he procured for some extra bucks. He took both a headache pill and a sleeping pill and snuggled in his seat leaning into the window. The stewardess struggled to wake him up they had already landed a few minutes ago and he was the only one still on board. The pain from his head had spread now throughout his body like a heavy numbness. After checking out he headed to the airport's motel and paid up front two days for a room. He planned to recover here before heading out to the first item on his itinerary. As soon as he got into the room he took a shower and then took another one of each pill and hit the hay but naked.