Nevar's blade was blocked as Nemo struck out at his chest. Taking the blow at full force, sent him skidding backwards three feet. Nevar jumped back to the first rune and hunched over to catch his breath for a moment. He definitely could tell at least one of his ribs was cracked by the force. He decided he would remain in the spot he was in until Nemo attacked, taking a defensive form. [hr] Raiya was highly impressed at the summon, even moreso at the summon's speed and agility. The wingless angel floated about a foot off the ground, and then leaned forward, taking off at sixty miles per hour, just about as fast as her Biri Biri no Sokudo. The angel slammed the fiery sword down on the ground, Raiya barely dodging the vertical slash. Even though she had dodged it fully, the flames ebbing off the sword seemed to have hit her. The odd part was, they didn't burn her, but instead they cut her. Grating her left arm to look like road rash, as if she had skidded her arm on asphalt. Raiya swiped a slash at the angel's backside, but was met with surprise, as the blade hit the angel, but didn't penetrate flesh. When the blade hit the skin at full force, it rebounded back as if Raiya had slammed it against a thick metal surface. The angel quickly pivoted and retaliated with another slash this one horizontal, aimed at her head. She bent backwards, dodging the slash. But once again, the black ebbing flames hit her after the slash passed, tearing the fishnet shirt, tank top, and scraping her bear belly, which made Raiya cry out in pain. Raiya backed up to catch her, breath. Stabbing her sword in the ground in front of her, and leaning on it for support. Her blood dripped from her left arm's wound down to the scabbard she clutched, and then puddled on the ground. And the blood from her belly wound stained what remained of her shirt, also seeping into her pants. [color=f49ac2]"Release my brother, you've lost."[/color] Dawn called out. [color=ec008c]"Tch, I'm not at my limit quite yet. I've still got plenty up my sleeve."[/color] Raiya growled. She released the full force of her aura, the pressure of which was much much greater than that of Dawn's, and closer to that of which Thadeus had displayed earlier. [color=ec008c][i]I just need more speed, I guess I'll have to use... that.[/i][/color] Raiya reasoned. [color=ec008c]"HEBI NO KENJUTSU: ŌKAMI WO NATTE IRU! (Snake technique: god form.)" [/color] Electricity began to crackle around her. Her long black hair began to transition from stark black to bright white, starting at the roots all the way down to the tips. Her left eye which was always a greyish blue turned yellow and her pupil became slit, just like her right eye. Most importantly, though, her aura changed from a dark purple, volatile aura with an electrical aspect, to a drab white conniving aura with a aether aspect. In Shinto, the aether aspect was called the void or heavenly aspect. Something else peculiar happened her wound sealed up, leaving only a scar behind. The whole time this transformation was taking place, Dawn was frozen in fear at what she was seeing, forgetting to issue commands to her summoned fallen angel. [color=f49ac2]"T-that's not possible..."[/color] Dawn whispered, [color=f49ac2]" YOU CAN'T CHANGE YOUR AURA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?"[/color] Her voice now a shrill yell. [color=ec008c]"I am the one who was torn from my mother's arms. I am the one who was forced to a live a life according to the whims of others. I am the one who was scorned for challenging the status quo. Now I walk my own path, a painful path, a lonesome path. A path that is wrought with gods and devils who all seek to destroy me. But it is the path I must walk, in order to achieve justice!"[/color] Raiya replied. She stood up straight, and drew her sword from the ground, pointing it at Dawn. [color=ec008c]"I am a god-slayer, and a demon hunter. In short, I am your worst nightmare."[/color]