[@LeeRoy][@PatrickDrummer][@Stern Algorithm][@jasonwolf][@WrongEndoftheRainbow][@Mirrodin][@Kaalee][@BreakingMe][@Sol][@CGinger][@jasonwolf][@BreakingMe][@Elegance][@Mirrodin] I'm still out and about everyone because I have a friend who is visiting me on his way to Alaska and he leaves tomorrow, so I'll get on to go over those CSes that have been submitted to me soon. Tomorrow I'm going to put up the Ball IC. If you haven't [b]PMed Me[/b] your second character ideas, then...I guess you don't want second characters. I, however, plan to adopt Jarvan for GM plot-purposes as my second. But yeah, the ball is going up tomorrow. If you haven't gotten your CS finished by now (not to include you submitting it to me so I can go over your abilities), then I don't know what to say to you because you've had seven days. Maybe the weekend will give you a chance but if it takes you 7 days + 2 days 9 days to get 1 CS up...this game may not be a good idea. You have too much on your plate - just accept it. I know this website has a trend of games failing before they start, but this isn't that game and I also won't have people who are biting off more than they can chew, and who don't have TIME to be in this game holding it up. So if you know you don't have time for this game, then just please go ahead and say so. It'll be better to do that then hold the game up in the future. Actually, once this game starts, I'm not going to really be policing who is posting and who isn't. There is an activity rule for a reason. How I roll is outlined over in the rules, so be sure to refresh your memory on it to understand how participation and activity is going to be handled. If you decide to disappear, either way, I'll learn about it. But the game won't be held up due to laziness, procrastination, etc. You will be skipped if you can't post at least once a week unless the person you RP with really cares to wait.