[center][img]https://taliasworld.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/1210104800_animeitsme.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Elizabeth “Lizzy” Blackthorne [b]Powers:[/b] Telekinesis *Psi Grab: The ability to grab and move an object telekinetically, Max Weight: 500 lb, Max Range: 50 ft *Psi Throw: The ability to throw items telekinetically at high velocities *Psi Wall: The ability to project a forcefield that can withstand as much force as she can wield *Push/Pull: The ability to Push or Pull objects that fit the weight limit, or somewhat affect things up to 50 lb above the limit *Psi Enhancement: The ability to enhance your own physical attributes, such as Strength, Toughness and Speed through the wielder’s powers. [b]Personality:[/b] Elizabeth is a straightforward girl who says what she means, and means what she says. She is a decent person, though she can be kind of harsh at times. She cares for those people who are friends and/or allies, though it is a tough love,, and she will never back down while a friend or ally is still in danger. [b]Background:[/b] Elizabeth always felt that she was destined for something different, never quite content with acting like a normal family, even though she cared about them a lot, she had always felt like things would end up differently. She grew up like this, enjoying her time with her family, until, when she turned 19, she found the stone on her roof. ‘Finally,’ she thought to herself, ‘the change I’ve been waiting for.’ Since that point, she started practicing, mostly in private, and waiting to see what would happen next. [b]Notes:[/b] She is the kind of person who will talk back to, or sass, anyone if she wants to, no matter the situation She also absolutely HATES Snakes[/center]