[color=0076a3][b][center][h2]Jason "Phoenix" Diabolus | Doom Squad Officer | Nazareth[/h2][/center][/b][/color] [hr] Watching as the beast he had targeted somehow survived the attack, but was subsequently blown to bits by his missile salvo, the boy was pleased with the opening attack. Followed seconds later by a loud explosion as it seemed that Wätcher had found its target and delivered a fatal blow. As the chaos rained down, the boy focused in on an odd aspect in front of him, Marshall was down and it seemed dented from his missile attack. A quick swear escaped the boy as he was about to check on his teammate but was interrupted by two things. The first being Jetto's rush towards the remaining Cruxi, and the second being the new orders from JONAH. It seemed they were to split up now, and the boy allowed a small sigh of frustration to escape his lips. Though his synch rate seemed to remain steady despite the frustration. [color=0076a3][b]"Redeploy orders received, JONAH. Prepare for two inbound."[/b][/color] he said after punching a few commands in to start prepping for meeting up with JONAH. Then he kept a close eye on the battle with Xane and the Cruxi. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to focus on intervening. It seemed both Joppa and Troas were in need of desperate help. Thinking for a moment, he figured out the squads. Wätcher and Jetto would deploy to Joppa. Seeing as Jetto with his jet form, and Wätcher with the booster could both get there faster than he or Marshall. Not to mention, the combo of a scout who can mark targets for Wätcher to pick off with her rifle was certainly a good combo. In the few seconds it took the boy to formulate his plan, he had switched over to team comms and gotten ready to address the Doom Squad. [color=0076a3][b]"Alright. We've been ordered to split up. Wätcher and Jetto will first clean up this bastard then redeploy to Joppa. Wätcher has tactical command until you fall under allied supervision. Marshall, get your ass up. We have to meet with JONAH and head out to Troas."[/b][/color] He said as he flicked a switch and fired his thrusters, usually used for orbital ascent. However, he only used to enough to quickly get up to JONAH and begin the boarding process. [color=0076a3][b]"If either of you die today, I will personally drag you back to life and kill you myself. Good Luck. Show these bastards what we're made of."[/b][/color] the boy said to his teammates on the ground. Then waited for Marshall to join him aboard JONAH. In the mean time, he began running a short systems diagnostics to see how everything was running on board X-7. Quietly talking to the machine without any comms active. [color=0076a3][b]"How you doing, buddy?"[/color] the boy asked and pat his console, looking at the diagnostics. [hr] [hr] [b]Info[/b] - Orders Issued - Docked with Jonah - Running quick diagnostic (seeing if any damage was taken or if Synch rate changed)