@Fattwan I would like to see some traits. Once I see some, I would love to review it again as that is the only thing. @Masaki Would you mind to read the end of the OP of the OOC? :) For now we want to fill up the other villages, that means you need to have two characters in other places before we can allow you to have a Konohagakure Genin. @ Phobos We accept custom dojutsu and such, but if it's similiar to the sharingan, why not just make it the sharingan? If it has different abilities, I would rather want it to have a different ancestry. Else it would look like many things can evolve or devolve from the sharingan. Which isn't really preferable, in my opinion. A sensory dojutsu would thus be okay to create, but as long as it is balanced and makes in a way a bit sense. :) @Psyren The fact you managed to make the CS look great, while doing it on your makes me already smile. As for the review, I would like : 1.) Speed far greater than most Genin? What about a very fast speed? Some genin are fast and to have such traits would sometimes cause a bit of a discussion of who is faster. If you would like to change to a great/fast speed above average genin, I would love that. 2.) I think the custom Jutsu Water Geyser is more of a C ranked than a D ranked jutsu. Maybe by causing that the earth tremble a bit before the water burst out of the ground, to make it more of a weaker ranked jutsu? :) Other than that, is the character perfectly fine and I can't wait to review it again once you have made the changes. :)