Talon frowned as one of the girls started talking to him like he was an idiot. And then she got an idea, "Well, I did ask if anyone had a better plan." he said as he began spinning his tonfas fast enough to fly up to the ceiling and through the hole. Once safely positioned, he reached down to help the next person in. "Do you think we should bring the students this way or not?" he asked, looking at the spider girl. He didn't prefer to but figured he'd ask. He didn't know how much weight the ceiling could hold. Looking around, he saw a path with enough room to easily enough fit everyone. "By the way, I know it's a moot point, but I was going to be the one swinging him and I would've asked for a lot of web to make a rope sturdy enough to hold him. From my position by the ceiling and my dexterous feet, I would have been able to swing him back and forth as to not hurt students inside the library and I do believe all the other students ran after they saw what happened to the librarian." Once everyone was up, he began along the path he had seen, not caring if they followed him or found their own path. Not wanting to test the weight limit of the ceiling too much, he flew the whole time. Once in a spot he could slip down into the hallway from, he lifted another tile to drop from, keeping his eyes peeled for anything and everything. "All clear!" he called up, flying again to help anyone to the ground if they needed. He didn't think they would, as each of them were strong enough to take most pain and brush it off pretty easily while in their hero forms, and possibly out of hero form for a few of them.