Natasha hadn't really had the time to respond back to the marine's last messages but she had caught their confirmation that there was movement, she could already smell the strange scents permeating from the Snabbits as a pile of them emerged from distant burrow. She watched the snow and her sharp eyes caught sight of Hirsch and Wolfe descending the slopes and the metallic tinge of blood that was drifting from their direction. They were injured but the wounds did not seem to be slowing them down much, proof of their rigorous training. It was some relief to the MOON operative that they could look after themselves as she moved unnaturally fast towards their location. Between the two marines and the other worldly creature they were protecting they were managing to keep the snake like creatures at bay but there were quite a few more lingering around and emerging from their rocky burrow. She called over her shoulder towards Dayna who was doing a fine job of matching Natasha's speed "Dayna stay with them, I'm moving towards that burrow" The ball of light complied without argument and slowed to a stop near the others as Natasha moved on with her own knife in hand. She twisted her torso and caught a Snabbit by the head just behind its jaws mid flight as it leaped from the snow towards her with its needle like teeth bared. As her fingers dug into the meaty area at the hinge of its jaw she dropped to the ground and slid under another one of the creatures proceeding to open its soft underbelly with her blade as it flew over her head. In one fluid movement she tossed the Snabbit she was holding right into the jaws of another one, spun a round and drew her pistol firing several rounds into each of the creatures before they could recover. The MOON operative was close to the burrow now, too close! “Shit” was the only word she had time to mumble as the blur of Wolfe’s explosive round dropped into the Snabbit Hole. Natasha hit the deck. A few seconds later a geyser of Snabbit bits and pieces erupted then rained down on her staining the area a strange tint of red. The smell of the blood was almost overwhelming for Natasha and she felt the definitive feeling of sensory overload beginning to well up inside of her as she attempted to recover and stand up once more. It could not have happened at a worse time as the death of their kin seemed to send the surviving creatures into a rage. She fell to one knee and jabbed the of tip of her knife into her own fore arm and focused on that pain in order to stave off a blackout due to powerful scent of creature blood that was still lingering in the air around her. Once the lightheaded feeling subsided she opened her eyes once more to find that she was surrounded by at pack of enraged Snabbits. Natasha was good, but to take on all of them at once by herself, was a bit suicidal even for her. The redhead holstered her pistol and slowly drew a second knife responding to their hisses with a growl she accessed the situation once more then dove at the creatures blocking her escape route. Once she cut them down, she would have an opening and could move towards the Marines giving them both clear shots at the pack of Rabid Snabbits. Time seemed to slow as Natasha let her animal instincts take over. In her initial dive the blades found their marks sinking into the heads of two of them as she tucked into a shoulder roll with barely enough time to recover before she felt the teeth sink into her upper back. If she stopped moving now they would all be upon her in moments so she used the momentum of the creature’s attack and dropped into another roll twisting her torso mid roll so her legs kicked out as she drew her pistol and dropped two more of them. The red head landed rather ungracefully on her back and grit her teeth as the needle like scales of the creature that was still latched onto her sank into her skin. She arched her back and flicked herself onto her feet sparing only a moment to reach around and rip the thing off her back with a grunt as those damned scales sank into her hand. The bite wound shredded her skin as she forced the creature higher up to her shoulder before it finally tore free. She tossed it to the ground with a roar and fired five shots into its head before spinning around to face the distant marines. Moving in a wide arc towards them Natasha's remarkable speed kept her ahead of the pack but she would still have to stagger the path so the marines could open fire on the remaining creatures that were following her. Hopefully they were good shots! Dimitri glanced at Dzel and the husky trying hard not to picture her in human form without clothes on. It was proving quite difficult. Stranger things resided back home on Temperance but shape-shifting humans were still a new concept for the monk. Clearly his healing methods had been successful on Vaughter as he was more energetic and now it appeared he was preparing to get an aerial view of the area. his eye slid to Dzel and then fell to Ariel who was enjoying Dzel's attention. “Well don’t look at me, I’m not riding him!” he chuckled “No offense Vaughter..” his words trailed off as the gunfire began and soon after an explosion resonated. “That can’t be a good thing” he stated as he looked towards the commotion.