First introductory post was made in In Character section. There were a lot of removals and edits and this is the final introductory I came up with. The original idea was for that post to be a lot longer, but that would mean longer wait time for you guys. I don't like when I promise something and fail to deliver. I have cut the loose ropes of that post which were about to expand the introductory a lot more, just so I could give you something to begin on. I promise in future such flaws won't happen. Anyhow yeah, you may proceed from where your village's events ended in the introductory. For example if one of the messengers was taken away in cuffs, you can be in the crowd observing. If you're from Riverdale, you may observe as local commander Alexander strides through the village with an unknown bulky companion, and so on. Once again I apologize for not being able to deliver a lot longer post in time, but that may be the result of me being on my work place for 44 hours straight, and I still am. Just worked hard to maintain time between work and posting this In Character topic. Now we have something to base our story on at least.