Ezel responded with a mocking military salute to the young woman's greet. He was somewhat in awe as to how nimble her "hair" was. She'd be a real help around the smithy he thought to himself, managing wares and a hammer at a same time. Now that would be a dream...but maybe the heat would damage her. Ezel sighed and disappointingly said [b]"House's special..."[/b] He didn't really fear any food, since his rock gut could digest even metal if needed. He took a step to the side to let other possible customers place their order and crossed his arms in wait. There was nothing really that he hated more than waiting for his food to be cooked, but on the other hand he did enjoy a freshly cooked meal. Well there was just one thing...not having enough and at that [b]"Five servings."[/b] His husky voice broke out as he suddenly jolted in front of the stall pushing everyone aside. Lunch was the most important meal of the day after all. After which he slowly retreated to his statue position.