Ben had taken the loss to Haas with grace and he had no hard feelings over the matter. He tried his best and Haas had clearly been the superior swimmer at the time of that race. Ben had always put his pride in his ability to perform sports but he knew he wasn't exactly a 5-star swimmer. He loved running and jogging more than anything really and that's what he had put his efforts into. The fact that Haas had the swimming power that he had no doubt meant that he was more than capable of doing that on a regular basis. After the competition Ben shook his hand and went back to socializing with a few of the students whom had come up to him. Ben earned a few more admirers, much to his glee, that enjoyed his performance both from the placement duel, and the race just now. He didn't recruit them into his little party of his but he was glad that he was spreading some joy and companionship around the school. After all he could only imagine what it meant that a big guy like him was capable of being nice and friendly to them. A lot of people like him were labelled as bullies and it was unfair too the jock community as a whole at times. Still if he could get a friend or two then he was glad. When the next day came around Ben had been told to drag Andre along with him, for what reason he didn't know, which meant convincing his younger brother that Haas had a point to bringing him forward. Ben was also confused about why exactly they were being called forward. And when they got there they saw that a group of people were already forming. He had to grab Andre to keep him from bolting from the room in annoyance. Andre himself figured that this whole mess was some sort of social bs group that was meant for people like him. It wouldn't be the first time Ben tried to drag him into a social circle. Still when it was clear Andre wasn't going to go anywhere he agreed that he would stay. As Haas began to explain himself it was Ben who smiled and raised his hand. [color=fff200]"I'd be glad to help! Anyone who forms gangs to bully other students shouldn't be allowed to get away with it! If I can help then I will!"[/color] Ben said with a smile as Andre slowly drew attention to himself by laughing at the whole scenario that he had gotten himself into. [color=ed1c24]"Are you [i]kidding me?[/i] Do you not see this tacky uniform I'm wearing? I'm light dorm those dark dorm rejects couldn't beat Light Dorm if they tried! Do I look like some kind of sheep?! How do I know that's what you really want with us and that you're not just trying to move in on their territory and take over in their stead? Forming a group like this only means that you couldn't convince the big guys too take up arms with you. I mean what kind of miss match of rejects are you trying to get to form this team? No one here is a big name on campus! Have you even TRIED to bring this incident up to the big shots upstairs or the teachers? Doesn't this constitute as gang behavior? Isn't that against the rules of something? Whatever count me out of this bound to be train wreck. I came to this school too get my degree and get a job not to play 'good cop' with you people."[/color] Andre said mocking Haas as he turned his back to the kid not wiling to go further into any argument. However Ben reached over and grabbed his brother's shoulder. [color=fff200]"Why are you acting like this!? I know you're a good person why aren't you willing to put away the cynicism aside to help people? This ain't you Andre. I know you more than anyone here. Maybe more than anyone. You'd be the first one to put down a gang banger just to prove how weak he is. I know how much you like a challenge. And I know how much you hate people who talk big and bully weaker people. Why are you acting like this bro?"[/color] Ben asked his brother who looked back at his older brother with disdain, [color=ed1c24]"Because I'm not a follower. I do things HOW [b]I[/b] WANT TO do things. Besides these dark dorm douche bags aren't exactly top tier prey. All I see are a group of losers who think their tough shit. It's pointless kicking in trash when they already know they are trash. I go and I smack down the big guys who think their the best. I kick them down from their pedestal because no one else can. They're the bottom of the list, the garbage can losers, the paitses for the real guys. They think they're good because they can kick around some students? Please they're no better than school yard bullies. Let's see them move on Light Dorm and wrecking the big guys on campus then I'll [i]consider[/i] helping you rejects. I'm including you in that list Ben. You're as fake as a Chinese bootleg. You have fun playing investigator. Hope it doesn't come back to haunt you."[/color] Andre said shoving Ben's hand off him and making his way out the door of the cafeteria.