[center][h1][coloR=khaki]J I N G O[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] [b][center]NC Pilot Barracks, New Anchorage CC [color=gray][[ Around 0200 Hours ]][/color] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4EdG-diTM4]M O O D M U S I C[/url][/sub][/center][/b] The sound of the distant gunfire dragged Jingo out of his slumber, firstly to his annoyance then to his concern. The feeling of tiredness drained out of him quickly, in its stead was replaced a quiet alertness. Rolling out of his bunk Jingo realized how dark it was, he could barely make out figures in the gloom. Thankfully Skitters was on hand, the sound of metal claws tapping and scratching across the ground before stopping at Jingo's feet. A gentle, blue-white light emitted fuzzily out of the dog's muzzle lens, casting a small bubble of light Jingo could see in. Walking silently to his locker, Jingo disengaged the lock and produced from it his prosthetic arm from the back, quickly attaching it and looping the leather straps around his shoulder. John reached into his locker for the second time, still fiddling with the leather strap, he looked over his shoulder and whispered for his dog to increase the light intensity slightly. As Skitters did, he watched his fellow pilots converge around Stein. Rummaging around in the back, he felt the hooks of his prosthetic hand scratch against a metallic object, hooking it through the trigger guard, he pulled out his [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ed/92/77/ed92775a17377eff3d42c91f656bb0b2.jpg]Commodore C64[/url] and fell behind the others. The first thing that came to Jingo's mind was Percy and his daughter. He hoped that they would be safe and was confident that Percy would defend her with his life, but Jingo wasn't sure how long that would last. Listening on the chatter just in front of him, Jingo nodded, all of what was being said was sensible and getting a gun he could actually wreck face with would definitely be nice. Then a thought came to him. "[color=khaki]Is i' really eh gud ideer te guu te tha armory?[/color]" he whispered, "[color=khaki]Ey mean.. Don'ee think they'll be expectin’ us?[/color]" as he spoke, he scratched the top of Skitter's head, making the dog's gyros move in a way that it enjoyed. "[color=khaki]Ey think we shud go somewhere there'll be guns tha' they would nee expect?[/color]" Jingo thought to where guards would have been posted. Odds are the assailants would have left their victims' firearms on the ground. "[color=khaki]Bu' we'll need eh distraction,[/color]" he mumbled to himself. As he did, Skitters dimmed his brightened snout light, the blue-white glow changing its intensity and annoying him. Jingo gave the metallic dog a bit of a smack on the head, jarring it's gyros and making it stop with its lackluster light show. [color=808080]“Our datatools have integrated flashlights in them,”[/color] Alan got very quiet for a moment. [color=808080]“If they took out our vision, it means that they can probably see in the dark. They’ve either got some night vision or cybernetics for that. At least, that’s what I’d guess. They want us off our edge.”[/color] He pressed a button, shining the bright beam of light from his datapad into the darkness. [color=808080]“Has anyone ever used a low-light sensor in a NC?”[/color] Alan smirked. [color=808080]“Any light source burns your vision for a second.”[/color] “[color=khaki]Me tho’s exac’ly.[/color]” Jingo said, watching Skitters. Despite giving him a good thump, Skitters continued to play with his light. “[color=khaki]Li’le bugger, wakes me up every mornin’ wit tha’ fuckin’ li.[/color]” Stein sighed irritably as she looked around her, her glance spending the longest upon Jingo in particular as she approached the ventilation tunnels that Alan had previously mentioned to her and Ryn. [color=0076a3]“If everyone would remain calm, that would be preferable. The situation is not one to make light of— we need to operate quickly and efficiently or we will not live through it at all.”[/color] Jingo pursed his lips and nodded, looking down at his feet as if he were a child being told off; maybe he was just being silly. [color=0076a3]“You are correct as per your analysis of the ventilation, Fouren.”[/color] She swiped through her datatool. [color=0076a3]“Based on the schematics of the facility, this leads straight to the armory in our sector, which could bypass all of the manual lockdown effects we need to. I sugge—”[/color] [color=f7941d]“Pffft, not even a problem. Leave it to me.”[/color] [color=0076a3]“Very well. As for the rest of us, I suggest we organize under the present commanding officers and move quickly and efficiently. If we talk much longer and waste time we will be affront to assault rifle fire. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I do [i]not[/i] wish to die tonight.”[/color] “[color=khaki]If tha’s tha case,[/color]” he muttered, “[color=khaki]le’s get a plan tugether.[/color]”