[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-PAEWBj-mBjo/V7n7C84diJI/AAAAAAAACWY/ybq4gQ9WJk03-aHr5Cd98lsCEovzs1HUACL0B/w520-h66-no/Blake%2BQuartz%2BRooke.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1c.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dumbledoresarmyroleplay/images/2/25/Zach_Callison_6.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151227181502[/img][/center][center] Location: Bleachers --> Carnival Interactions with: Poetry [@LovelyAnastasia], Ebony [@mskennedy615] [/center][center][img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1c.png[/img][/center] Watching the upperclassman had some pretty good perks in Blake's eyes as they all waited to be released. For starters, he would get to see some rather unique people, ranging from seniors who didn't look the part to sophomores who appeared older than they actually were. He supposed he fit somewhere in that category, but that wasn't the only reason he was people watching at the moment... And that was due to how he admired how some of the upperclassmen looked, along with his own freshmen group. There was some beautiful women and handsome men throughout the school, each with their own story to tell, different personalities... It must be something truly special. Even if they themselves couldn't see that beauty in having a different or unique story, he was very intrigued when it came to such small talk. Though, speaking of his own freshmen group, he decided he'd look around at his own class as the seniors were just getting dismissed. He spotted some familiar faces from previous years in middle school, though he doesn't recall the names of a lot of them. He was terrible when it came to names, but he always took note of someone's face and could recognize it if he ever saw them again. He supposed that was both a gift and a curse of his, but to him he was glad he could remember anything about his classmates. He even hoped that this year he'd be able to learn more about them too. Maybe even become friends with a lot of them too. In fact, he's already made some friends that are unique in their own right. One of them that he spotted was Ebony Washington standing at the front of the bleachers, camera already in hand. He remembered the day that she first moved here that he begged his Aunt to go and see them. Since they both have an optimistic attitude and like others to be themselves, he believes that is the reason they clicked for a friendship. Unfortunately, he didn't get to stare at her for long, noticing that she left with the senior group... Most likely to take pictures. He didn't mind that, nor the wait to catch up to her, seeing as he was neglecting his watch on others. So when the announcement came that the freshman were finally dismissed, Blake spent no time rushing towards the carnival. He was sure she couldn't have gotten that far as she was most likely busy snapping photos of the various booths and activities, the only problem sprung from the groups of people that blocked his search. Though, standing out of the crowd was one of his friends, Poetry. She was twirling and dancing between booths, having her own fun. A warm smile emerged upon his face as he proceeded to walk in her direction when someone else beat him to the punch, and it was none other than the one he was looking for. Fixing his jacket slightly, he approached the two after Ebony said hi, getting near enough that he was essentially right next to them now. [color=#f7cac9]"Hey you two! Good to see ya."[/color]