[@RokkuHoshi] I think there was some misunderstandings with my post and your last one. While Talon did ask if anyone had another plan, he was already telling people what to do, like the plan had already been accepted, which is why Nancy went on to tell him why she didn't think it would work. And nancy doesn't currently know how much her web could handle, so she wouldn't be able to gauge how much was enough to work and be safe, even if she did give Talon a lot of web to use. Nancy doesn't have a lot of her faith in her or anyone's powers cause they just got them not even an hour ago... As for the ceiling...there isn't a pathway to follow. It's not a vent, it's kind of just a big open space up there so if there's a leak, it's easy to get to it without crawling around much. Also, Nancy wouldn't have waited once people started climbing up, she wouldn't want to risk putting to much weight on the tiles in one spot and would want to give people the chance to move around. Also...how is he flying in there? There should be room enough to crawl, not fly. Height wise, the crawl space up would be just slightly bigger than a vent, just enough to let a grown man move around in there on his hands and knees, not fly. Besides, if they're all moving and not putting all their weight on one spot, why would he even need to fly?