[color=ed1c24][h1] Amelia Rashfree [/h1][/color] [hr] [h2] Interactions: Selene [@RBYDark] Kas and Thomas [@Thane] EJ [@King Tai] [/h2] [hr] Amelia smiled brightly at EJ and Selena as she blushed at what EJ hinted to. "Nice to meet you too, as you heard he calls me Fire, my name is Amelia but EJ likes to call me Fire, I won't use Shades as I don't like using nicknames because I like to be seen as a mature and formal person because that is what I have had to be since I was 7 because of my past which most people don't know about and anyone who does is lucky to know about," She waved back at her. "No I haven't met her and you are making me blush as I know what made it worth while and it is making me blush, nothing, everything is good, what about you? I will play you the song in the music room later unless you have anything else to do, if so then I can show you later or tommorow after school" She smiled to him brightly and hugged him again. Her head was on his shoulder and you could tell that she really cared for him. "By the way Selene, if I seem cold at times, sorry. I am not the best at talking to people since everything that has happened in the last few years. "See ya later, Kas, Thomas, I will stay here with EJ and Selene" She smiled to them and just held her boyfriend gently. She seemed really cheerful and her eyes were bright and she was humming quietly. She was humming a song that she wrote.