Vert flinched as Blood-whatever walked up to her, calmly, deceptively friendly. Emphasis on "deceptively-" she knew Homeworld. She knew Gems like him, like the ones who'd made her, treated her the way they did. He could talk all he liked about "true power" and how it was his "job" to take them in, but she wasn't going to listen- just because it was his job didn't mean he was any good at it. And it didn't mean she was going to let him. She stared at him, scared still, terrified, even... but with another edge to it as well, one of anger, hostility, and rage. He must have seen something of that, because his last words were a threat, coupled with him grabbing her and pulling her to his face, threatening to destroy her if she got in his way. He dropped her before walking away casually. Vert, however, had had enough. Scared took a backseat to angry, and she stood, glaring at his retreating back. [color=8dc73f]"I don't need you..."[/color] She took a deep breath, then called out stronger. [color=8dc73f]"You hear? I don't need you! And I never will! I know enough about you and your kind already! I know how you work, and I know what you do! And sooner or later, the rest of your 'loyal' Gems will, too! You can't lie forever, red bastard! They'll know how you operate soon enough- they'll know what I know!"[/color] She spat in his direction, though he was already too far away for it to hit him, so she merely spat on the ground in his general direction. [color=8dc73f]"Keep your offer of 'power' to yourself- I already know where that leads. I'll take my chances elsewhere."[/color] She breathed deeply, feeling more awake, feeling something assert itself- something that hadn't been a part of her for a long time, because she'd been to asleep to feel it. She was starting to feel more like herself again. She walked back over to Orange Gem, brushing herself off. [color=8dc73f]"See?"[/color] she said to the other Gem, [color=8dc73f]"That's how Homeworld operates. Fall in line or be crushed under their heel. Trust me on this- you don't want anything to do with his type. Those other Gems... they're gonna regret this decision, that much I can assure you."[/color] [@ianzerep]