[center][img]http://assets.digitaltutors.com/dtv_/bison_courses/1362/assets/1362-render_1040.jpg[/img] [h2][color=aba000][b]The Lightmare of Lucumbro[/b][/color][/h2] [b][h3]Gender[/h3][/b] Male [b][h3]Age[/h3][/b] 37 [b][h3]Race[/h3][/b] Human [b][h3]Equipment[/h3][/b][list] [b]Gridr Armour -[/b] The metal's main component is gold, from which the armour is build. The suit covers the whole body providing the ultimate protection with it's durability. Being made of gold makes it considerably heavy. The armor also has special properties, being heat and electricity resistant, to a degree, converting a certain percentage of the heat from attacks or other sources to storable energy. It also gradually repairs itself by pouring pure melted gold on the damaged spot. The gold stays in a semi-liquid state over the damaged part, slowly repairing the armour. The excess gold simply hardens and falls off. [b]Midnight Cloak -[/b] A cloak with midnight black color and torn end giving the impression of a street beggar if fully covered by it. [b]Multiple throwing knives[/b] are stashed in his belt. [b]Satchel -[/b] Antidote vials, water canister, coins and multiple smoke bombs with a timer. [/list] [b][h3]Abilities[/h3][/b][list] [b]Death Flare[/b] - A burst of light blinding everything in a wide range, even those with their backs turned. The effect persist long after the light has faded, those in the centre are affected the most with potential permanent blindness. [i]Uses the armor's storable energy.[/i] [b]Light Beam[/b] - A beam of light shoots from the caster's eyes serving as a light source in dark places or, as it's mostly used, blind an enemy at close range by flashing a focused version of it at the target's eyes. If the focused version of it is channelled in one place, with enough time it will serve as an igniter for ignitable substances. [i]Uses the armor's storable energy.[/i] [b]Lightning Strike -[/b] It enhances a body part of the caster with lightning, an ability obtained by mastering a lightning crystal. It enhances the users speed/power and penetrattion of the hit. The requirement for this ability to be activated is achieving a high speed. It can't be activated beforehand but only mid strike or just before the blow makes contact. That short interval being the only time when the crystal can be activated. It can also be activated during running or while falling. [/list] [b][h3]Talents[/h3][/b][list] [b]Martial Artist - [/b]Has mastered the fighting style of Zoxoss'Zarash which focuses on parrying, followed by a lethal counter attack or bone breaking if the target is required alive. [b]The Chosen One - [/b]As the Chosen One to revive The Empire, he is given the ability to communicate in every language or form of communication a sentient race uses. The non-verbal parts are recreated by the power of this Blessing. [b]Enforcer - [/b]Knows many methods used to "convince" someone and "open their eyes" to the greatness of The Empire. Will silence anyone who can't be converted. [/list] [b][h3]Personality[/h3][/b] Decisive and with a clear goal, he will do everything in his power to achieve it. He can socialize fairly well but as soon as his goal enters the equation they are nothing to him. If you share the same goal as him consider yourself lucky. He is a powerful ally and if he sees you contributing towards your mutual quest he will grant you his protection. He sees people for what they can do, their power, not their personality and their good or bad choices. As far as romance goes..😑 [b][h3]Biography[/h3][/b]Nobody knows of his past before he took on the title of Lightmare. It all started in one of his expeditions in a frozen wasteland where he happened upon a buried nonagon pyramid, only the tip seen standing out above the snow, surrounded in ice. Using a Lapi he made quick work of the giant glacier having a clear path to the pyramid's top. Getting close he studied the ancient writings on the structure's extremity immediately knowing to which culture it belonged to as he had encountered similar hieroglyphs on his travels before. Luckily he had learned some of its secrets on his past studies and knew how to activate it. The clouds were blocking the sun, a sickening darkness engulfed everything, the traits of a winter night in this part of the planet. Without using a heat Lapi he wouldn't be able to even breath the lung freezing air. He searched in his satchel, finally feeling the ancient crystal with his fingers, swiftly taking it out. A rare crystal that allowed control of weather for a short time. Used carefully it could be catastrophic as it created a butterfly effect on that region's atmosphere, extending even outside it but with reduced effects. In ancient times it was used as a way to convince people of the God-like power that the rulers of that time possessed, making it easier to control them. A lot of sacrifices and rituals that benefited those rulers took place in order to avoid their wrath. There was a catch though, in order to use the crystal in a way that affected a wide area the user was required to give his own life, consumed by it's immense power. The other option, in order to reach the same effect, is the consumption of the crystal itself, breaking it after usage. But that option was not even considered by the ancient rulers as the life of a human was considered even less than their "royal pet". People died every time that power was used. The explorer used the crystal only to dissipate the smallest amount of clouds for a sunray to reach the pyramid's top, everything being calculated of course. Even this small act leaving him out of breath, exhausted but he had more to do. Exhausted as he was he got an ancient looking nonagon ring out of his pocket and placed it on top of the pyramid. The sooner he did this, the ring started rotating at eye dazzling speed, then the pyramid's top, then the whole thing itself! During his past explorations he had learned that each structure of this ancient civilization was like a puzzle, a ring always the key. Row after row the structure started rotating at an immense speed, the ice quickly melting everywhere around him, leaving the explorer to free fall. Mid way through the fall, the whole structure stopped in its tracks with a finally echoing *CLICK*. Mere moments later a beam of light shot up from it's top completely dissipating the clouds, cold and darkness, sun and warm light succeeding it. The explorer stopped mid air, frozen as a golden hue engulfed everything surrounding the pyramid in a wide are, including him. He was then teleported to the throne room in a kneeling position before a golden statue on a throne placed on top of a mini pyramid. The statue radiated an "Emperor" vibe as it stood out above all, literally and metaphorically. The thing was covered in a full body armor only the face, hands and feet protruding from it. The figure was carrying a strange looking staff that gave the impression of being a puzzle thing itself, many writings and lines covering it. The staff ended with 2 falcon-like heads, the explorer presumed, beside the heads 2 wings emerged from both sides creating the torso of a two headed bird creature. The armor had the same build as the staff minus the writtings. Talking about armor, to his surprise he was covered with one himself, from head to toe. Suddenly, numerous visions clouded his consciousness, visions of lifes past. He experienced centurie long battles, reincarnating again and again, the fighting seemingly never ending until it all stopped. When he woke up he was located in Lucumbro, encased in armor, knowing things and abilities he wasn't supposed to know although most of his visions were blurry whenever he tried to remember them, like trying to remember a dream you just woke from. His head was throbbing with pain along with his body which seemed...lighter? Also stronger and his movements were faster, his reflexes also enhanced. One goal was engraved in his soul, finally reemerging after such a long time. He felt more awake than ever, all seemed clear now. His soul purpose was to revive the once great Empire of Ghuul'Zashar. He was given the role of missionary with this mission and let the Sun be his witness as he achieves it! From then on, he has been doing highly paid, considered suicide jobs for big rewards. Achieving a reputation in little time, more learned of his capabilities resulting in more demanding and also more rewarding jobs. People started calling him "The Lightmare" since he only acted during the day, a period in which is considered the safest-from-assassins time especially when you are in public. But since his tactic always involved a blinding flash before the attack, there were NO witnesses whatsoever to describe what happened, how the victim was killed or how the attacker looked. Word circulated that it was the work of GOD and not done by a creature or thing. With his not-so-small fortune he started his own organization with the main goal being the recruitment of young children and their training as ultimate blindly loyal soldiers of the upcoming Empire of Ghuul'Zashar. As a missionary he was also given the ability to re-awaken one's soul, reminding them of their past lives as loyal servants of The Ancient Empire, successfully recruiting them to his ranks. With the war raging on between the rebels and the "fake empire" the opportunity for recruitment was slim to say the best. If only there was a way to end this war... [i]As the Aureate Warrior was laying unconscious on the ground, murmuring inside his helmet, a dark shadow loomed over him, quietly chuckling to himself. "Another one joins the ranks.."[/i] [/center]