[center][color=saddlebrown][h1]Ebony Nicole Washington[/h1][/color][hr][hr][URL=http://s1150.photobucket.com/user/Mskennedy615/media/aman_zpsxufsjfn3.gif.html][IMG]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o601/Mskennedy615/aman_zpsxufsjfn3.gif[/IMG][/URL][hr][hr][color=saddlebrown]Location:[/color] Festival [color=saddlebrown]Interacting with:[/color] [color=pink]Poetry ([@LovelyAnastasia])[/color], [color=pink]Blake ([@MechonRaptor])[/color], and [color=purple]Maeve ([@TheIrishJJ])[/color] [hr][hr][/center][color=pink]"Ebony-Gold!"[/color] Poetry's voice rang out with melodic happiness in the surprise, [color=pink]"You are here! It is a wonder to see you!"[/color] Ebony smiled and chuckled as the two hugged. Ebony wasn't much of a hugger, but she'd really missed Poetry over the Summer. It was also not a doubt that Poetry's happiness was infectious, which was one of the things that made her thoroughly enjoy her presence. When they pulled away, Poetry held Ebony at arm's length by her shoulders. [color=pink]"Was your summer well?"[/color] Ebony opened her mouth to tell her all about her week long stay in Brooklyn, but was suddenly interrupted by another voice. [color=gray]"Hey you two! Good to see ya."[/color] Standing not so far away was Blake Rooke, another good friend of theirs. As he approached, Ebony could feel her ears turn red and hot, which suddenly made her appreciate the large fro on her head that shielded them from view. [color=pink]"Blakey-Boy,"[/color] Poetry practically sang, [color=pink]"It's downright groovy to see you!"[/color] Ebony chuckled at the girl's use of old lingo, another thing that made her incredibly unique. Turning to face the two, Ebony lifted her camera to her eye and snapped a picture. Looking at the photo, she saw that she'd caught Poetry mid-sentence, talking with a beatific expression on her face. She had been looking up at Blake, who was a few inches taller, smiling down at her. Putting her camera back, Ebony grinned cheerfully at her two friends. [color=saddlebrown]"It's good to see you both,"[/color] Ebony said. She was just about to ask them both about how their Summers went, when she was interrupted again. [color=purple]"Hey! Blake! It's me, Maeve!"[/color] Looking behind Blake, she saw a slim red head heading towards them. The first thing Ebony noticed about the girl was her style. Her outfit was adventurous, yet stylish at the same time. As she got closer, she could see that she was a few inches taller than Ebony. Her first instinct, of course, was to reach for her camera, but she paused mid-reach. She wasn't sure if the girl would like having her photo taken by a stranger.