[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yWzyA63.png?1[/img] [i]These are the voyages of the starship Orion. We will continue to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before.[/i][/center] [u][b][color=f7941d]Rules:[/color][/b][/u][list][*]My word is final[*]Respect the other players.[*]If there is a problem, take it to me (or another GM)[*]The CO-GMs are: Teddyinahat for the technical stuff and Ruby to keep me in line ;)[*]No God-Modding or metagaming.[*]I reserve the right to reject any character if they don't fit the setting.[/list] [u][b][color=f7941d]About:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]The year is 2374 and the ongoing war with the Dominion is in full swing. The Federation and the Klingon Empire have entered a cease fire to join forces against the Dominion. The Dominion have allied with the Cardassians and taken over Deep Space 9 and the Bajoran system including the Bajoran wormhole. So far the Empire and the Federation have only suffered losses in their encounters with the Dominion. The worst was when the Seventh Fleet tried to stop the incursion in the Tyra system which resulted in the loss of 98 ships. However, the Federation, with Klingon assistance, is mounting an attack to retake Deep Space 9 and the wormhole. The Federation can't afford to lose or else Vulcan will fall to the Dominion. Already the fleet there is nearly defeated. Overseeing the attack are Captain Benjamin Sisko and General Martok. The Fleets slated to be involved were the Second (from Vulcan), Fifth and Ninth (Comprised of Klingon ships). We are not involved. [i]USS Orion[/i] is currently being utilized as an escort ship for Ambassador Spock as he continues his work with the Romulans. [/indent] [u][b][color=f7941d]The Ship:[/color][/b][/u][indent][i]USS Orion[/i] [url=http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Miranda_class]Miranda Class[/url] Light cruiser (Medium sized) [url=http://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/jm-miranda.php]11 Decks (Schematics for all you engineers out there)[/url] 360 Crew Members Maximum speed: Warp 9 (for 12 hours)* [sup]Transwarp/Slip Stream travel is not currently available for any Federation Ship at this time[/sup] Cruising speed: Warp 7 Armaments: 6 type-VII phaser banks; 2 phaser cannons; 4 (Quantum) torpedo launchers Defenses: deflector shields Auxiliary craft: 12 [url=http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Work_bee]work bees[/url]; 4 [url=http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/SW7_class]Federation shuttlecrafts[/url]; 1 Shuttlepod [hider=Images] [img]http://www.coldnorth.com/owen/game/startrek/challenger/federation/cyrano.jpg[/img][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/bee1/f/2008/363/f/3/uss_forte___bridge_c2360_v2_by_phaeton99.png[/img][/hider][/indent] [u][b][color=f7941d]Crew Positions:[/color][/b][/u][indent][s]Captain[/s] First Officer Navigator Helmsman Communications Officer [s]Chief Science Officer[/s] [s]Chief Security Officer[/s] [s]Chief Medical Officer[/s] Chief Engineer [url=http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Starfleet_personnel]List of other possible Personnel Positions[/url][/indent] [b][u][color=f7941d]Reference Star Charts:[/color][/u][/b][indent][url=http://www.sttff.net/AST_MAP.html]Chart #1[/url] (Warning, this is a very, very large map/chart) [url=http://static.tumblr.com/9vpcbie/GpTng4j7i/startrekstarchart.jpg]Chart #2[/url][/indent] [u][b][color=f7941d]Uniforms:[/color][/b][/u] [indent][url=http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Starfleet_uniform_(2370s)]Please see link[/url][/indent] [b][u][color=f7941d]The Federation Command (Current):[/color][/u][/b][indent][i]Federation President:[/i] Jaresh Inyo [i]Commander in chief:[/i] Jaresh Inyo [i]Commander, Starfleet:[/i] Admiral Jeri Taylor [i]Chief of Staff:[/i] Admiral Gene Roddenberry [i]Chief of Starfleet Operations:[/i] [color=fff200]Not listed in canon works/shows[/color][/indent] [hider=Timeline] This [url=http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/2370s]link[/url] contains other information on what went on during the time frame. It's very handy. I'd suggest at least glancing over it.[list][*][color=f7941d]2368:[/color] - The Klingon Civil War that began in 2367 ends. - Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge develops a tachyon detection grid in order to detect cloaked ships and reveal the Romulan involvement. - The celebrated ambassador Sarek of Vulcan dies at the age of 204. - Ambassador Spock works to unite the Romulans and the Vulcans. - The first test of the soliton wave is conducted near Bilana III. - A peace treaty is established ending the centuries-long war between Krios Prime and Valt Minor. - The Romulans experiment with interphase cloaking technology, but fail to perfect it. - Starfleet introduces the Danube-class runabout.[*][color=f7941d]2369:[/color] - Montgomery Scott is discovered to be alive, suspended in the transporter buffer of the [i]USS Jenolan[/i]. - The Cardassian Union ends its occupation of the planet Bajor, which lasted fifty years. - A Cardassian sneak attack on the Federation system Minos Korva, staged in the McAllister C-5 Nebula, but is thwarted, leading to Captain Picard being freed. - Commander Benjamin Sisko and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax discover the Bajoran wormhole, the first stable wormhole known to exist. - A crucial victory is won for Spock's reunification efforts on Romulus when Vice-Proconsul M'ret defects to the Federation. - The crew of the [i]USS Enterprise-D[/i], along with Romulan, Klingon, and Cardassian interests, deciphers the last work of Professor Richard Galen, revealing that a race of ancient humanoids is a common ancestor of most species in the Milky Way Galaxy. - On Earth, the quadricentennial of [i]Apollo 11[/i]'s landing on the moon in 1969 is celebrated. - Another variant of the Starfleet uniform is released, this time with the entire outfit black except for the division color on the shoulders.[*][color=f7941d]2370:[/color] - A second Borg incursion into Federation space begins. It is defeated by the Captain Picard and the [i]USS Enterprise-D[/i]. - Standard warp drive is discovered to have detrimental effects on the fabric of subspace. A program is launched to develop a safer means of warp travel, which is first incorporated on the [i]Intrepid[/i]-class. - Kathryn Janeway is chosen to command the [i]USS Voyager[/i]. - A group of Federation colony worlds declare an unofficial war on the Cardassian Union after rejecting the Federation-Cardassian Treaty. They call themselves the Maquis.[*][color=f7941d]2371:[/color] - Starfleet introduces a new combadge with a gold rectangle with a cutout oval in the center replacing the gold oval. - The Federation, as well as the other Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers, become aware of the Dominion threat after the USS Defiant returns from its mission to the Founders' homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant, the home of the designated leaders of the Dominion. - The starship [i]USS Equinox[/i] disappears, pulled into the Delta Quadrant. - The starship [i]USS Voyager[/i] departs Deep Space 9 on a mission to find the Maquis raider Val Jean. They never make it. - The Maquis member Thomas Riker steals the [i]USS Defiant[/i] and uses it to expose a Cardassian military buildup in the Orias system. - With help from Bareil Antos, Kai Winn and Legate Turrel sign the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty. - The Romulan Star Empire sends Ruwon and Karina to DS9 to take possession of Starfleet's data on the Dominion. This was agreed upon earlier in the year, in exchange for allowing the USS Defiant to operate a cloaking device. - Dr. Tolian Soran uses a trilithium weapon to collapse the Amargosa star. - The Cardassian Obsidian Order together with the Romulan Tal Shiar are lured into a trap, when they attack the Founder's homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. The following battle leads to the complete destruction of the combined Romulan-Cardassian fleet of twenty ships and severely cripples both organizations, which, in turn, reduces possible resistance against the Dominion by the Federation and the Klingon Empire. - The Bajoran Shakaar Edon, a former cell leader in the Bajoran Resistance, becomes first minister of Bajor's provisional government. - It is revealed that the Founders of the Dominion have infiltrated the Alpha Quadrant.[*][color=f7941d]2372:[/color] - Starfleet introduces a new style of phasers and [url=http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Starfleet_tricorder#2370s]tricorders[/url] in this year. - Convinced by a Changeling posing as General Martok that the Cardassian government had been infiltrated by the Founders, the Klingon Empire invades the Cardassian Union. However, the United Federation of Planets objects to this action, causing Chancellor Gowron to withdraw from the Khitomer Accords, ending their alliance. At the end of this year, the Changeling posing as General Martok convinces Gowron to take further aggressive action, causing the Klingon Empire to annex the Archanis sector from the Federation, thereby starting an open war between the two powers. - The Bajoran wormhole undergoes an inversion that occurs once every fifty years. - The Klingon Empire attacks three Romulan outposts along the border. - The Antwerp Conference is bombed. An investigation reveals that the bomb was placed by a Changeling. Benjamin Sisko is temporarily reassigned to Earth to serve as Chief of Starfleet Security, in charge of preparing the Federation for a possible Dominion invasion. - Admiral Leyton stages a military coup by taking advantage of the current Changeling scare. The attempt is thwarted by Benjamin Sisko and Odo. Leyton resigns his commission, and Sisko and Odo return to Deep Space 9. - The Korma Conference was scheduled to take place in this year, however the outpost hosting the conference was destroyed by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey. - The [i]USS Enterprise-E[/i] is launched from the San Francisco Fleet Yards. - Captain Benjamin Sisko takes the USS Defiant to the Founders' homeworld.[*][color=f7941d]2373:[/color] - After the real identity of the Klingon General Martok as a Changeling is revealed, the war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire is ended with a temporary cease fire. - The Dominion invades the Alpha Quadrant. - The Cardassian Union officially joins the Dominion. Because of this the Dominion was able to secure both the wormhole passage and a power base in the Alpha Quadrant - The Klingons invade Ajilon Prime, breaking the cease fire. The [i]USS Farragut[/i] is destroyed by the Klingons while protecting the colonists of Ajilon Prime. - Starfleet Command declares the [i]USS Voyager[/i] officially lost with all hands. - Starfleet introduces a new uniform design which quickly replaces all uniforms in use, with gray quilted shoulders and department color indicated by the undershirt and the cuffs on the jacket. - Another major Borg incursion, the Battle of Sector 001, takes place. - With the Dominion as their new ally, the Cardassian Union successfully puts an end to the Maquis rebellion in the Demilitarized Zone. - The Dominion signs non-aggression treaties with several powers, including the Romulans, Tholians, Miradorn, and Bajorans. - The Dominion take control of the Bajor sector including the Federation space station Deep Space 9 at its crucial position next to the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. - The Dominion War begins.[*][color=f7941d]2374 (Current events):[/color] - The Seventh Fleet fails to stop the Dominion in the Tyra system. Only fourteen ships from a fleet of one hundred twelve make it back to Federation lines. - The [i]USS Defiant[/i] successfully destroys a Dominion sensor array in the Argolis Cluster. - [url=http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Operation_Return]Operation Return[/url] is beginning to get underway. - The USS Voyager briefly reestablishes contact with the Alpha Quadrant via the use of a Hirogen communications network.[/list][/hider] [u][b][color=f7941d]Goals:[/color][/b][/u][indent]As a GM my goal is to introduce fun, new environments (with a few nods to the TV series and movies). I welcome input and suggestion for directions the RP can take. This will be partially sandbox, I wont force direction if all the players take initiative, but I'm not afraid to be rather heavy handed if I think the player run direction is floundering. I do have a first arc planned, but it's malleable. [sub]Things never run as planned.[/sub][/indent] [u][b][color=f7941d]Character Information:[/color][/b][/u][indent][hider=Character Sheet][b]Name[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [b]Rank/Position[/b]: [b]Race[/b]: [i](Made up alien races are allowed within reason. Borg and any Dominion races are not allowed as Player Characters)[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: [i](A photo is optional but when used does replace this section. Anime face claims are not allowed.)[/i] [b]Personality[/b]: [i](YC in a nut shell. Don't go overboard, a paragraph is fine. I want most of this IC)[/i] [b]History[/b]: [i](What brought YC to this point? Doesn't have to be a novel. But it should be longer than a few sentences.)[/i] [b]Skills[/b]: [i](What does YC contribute to the starship?)[/i] [b]Other[/b]: [i](Do you feel like there is anything else you'd like to add?)[/i] [b]Sample Post[/b]: [i](Yes, this is required.)[/i][/hider] Please do not post your CS in the tab until I have OK'd your sheet. Elsewise it's automatically rejected. If your character is accepted please don't use hiders (unless there is a photo that is abnormally large) in the CS tab. You are allowed more than one character. You can have as many as you can handle (Unless it gets out of hand). How I'm choosing characters going for the same position:[list][*]If I have two finished characters who both want the same position I'll decide based on their skills and will choose the character that will benefit the ship most. The remaining character will be allowed to be under them. [list][*]IE: Years in Starfleet, Prior Training, Age and In The Field Experience[*]EX: Two characters vie for the Chief Medical Officer. Character B gets the spot. Character A can be either a nurse or just a regular Medical officer.[/list][*]Person A's first character is the Helmsman and A wants their second character to be Chief Engineer. However person B wants their first character to be the Chief Engineer. I would give the spot to person B because they don't have a prominent position yet. [/list][/indent]