Humbly submitted for your review... [hider=Jovar][h3][color=a0410d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Jovar, son of Pradag[/h3] (pronounced with a soft j, almost a zh sound) Nick: "Jo" [color=a0410d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 35 (birth year: 2339) [color=a0410d][b]Rank/Position:[/b][/color] Lieutenant Commander/Tactical Officer/Second Officer (third-in-command) [color=a0410d][b]Race:[/b][/color] Klingon [color=a0410d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Jovar stands 6' 5" tall (195.5cm) and weighs 275 lbs (124.7Kg.). He prefers his heavy dark brown hair matted and sculpted into what can best be described as heavy dreadlocks. He wears stylistic mutton chops and a soul patch to give himself a traditional Klingon appearance. As most Klingons are, Jovar is quite physically intimidating in appearance with a high musculature constitution. He is very strong and can endure great physical pain. [hider=Jovar][img][/img] Courtesy: Star Trek Online Character Generator[/hider] [color=a0410d][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Jovar is a Klingon in behavior. Honor is important choosing the honorable course of action in all cases. He disdains crewmembers who prefer deception over honesty. He understands the small white lie tactfully employed to protect someone's feelings. It helps morale and keeps the ship running smoothly. He enjoys anything physical, especially, hand to hand combat; being very aggressive on the holo-deck. Any combat sport has a natural calling to this large Klingon warrior. [color=a0410d][b]History:[/b][/color] Jovar was born on Archanis IV, a multicultural planet along the Klingon-Federation border, where in 2339 was controlled by the United Federation of Planets. Although, Jovar grew up in Klingon society on Archanis IV, he chose to join Starfleet when he was old enough. Many of his Klingon friends chose to join the Klingon Defense Force, but Jovar was curious of the cultural diversity of the Federation of Planets and was instinctively drawn to the Earth-based organization. He shared the benefit of having human friends as well as Klingon friends on Archanis IV, which helped his decision. Besides, Jovar appreciated going against the grain from time to time. Having spent time around humans on his home planet, it was not a difficult fit for the oversized Klingon warrior to feel comfortable at Starfleet Academy. In 2360, Jovar graduated and was commissioned as an Ensign in the Security branch. He was initially posted to the USS Lantree where he served for four years, gaining the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade after two. Nothing remarkable happened during his time aboard the Miranda-Class Starship other than becoming familiar with this class of starship as well as the various systems aboard ship. He was most curious about the tactical station. In 2364, Lieutenant Junior Grade Jovar was reassigned to the USS Cochrane, an Oberth-class starship as a Security Officer. While aboard ship, Jovar cross-trained on Tactical. After three years aboard the Cochrane, Jovar was a qualified Tactical Officer and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. He remained aboard the Cochrane for an additional three years, until 2370. In 2370, Jovar was reassigned to the USS Orion, another Miranda-class starship as the ship's Tactical Officer. The addition of Photon Torpedoes on the Orion, made the transition slightly different but he welcomed the challenge. It was not too much for him and he quikly mastered the position on the Orion's bridge. Being of Klingon birth, yet raised on a planet inhabited by both Klingons and Humans, Jovar has found his relationships with other humans amenable as well as the other Federation races. He makes friends quickly and is able to maintain them without much difficulty. Other races find Jovar's honesty accommodating, as he is very consistent and dependable. He is very easy to get along with. He has gained the respect and admiration of the remainder of the crew especially those he works closely with on the bridge. Due to his skill level and competency as a Federation officer as well as his time in grade and service to the Federation, Jovar was given the position of Second Officer (third-in-command) and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander in 2373. He feels proud of his accomplishments and proud to be a Starfleet Officer. He has never felt shamed by any Klingons his ship encounters. Any who may perceive his position in Starfleet in a shameful manner are quickly convinced their ideas are completely inappropriate. [color=a0410d][b]Skills:[/b][/color] When Jovar joined Starfleet seventeen years ago, he pictured himself a security officer, forever. It was a branch he was well suited for given his heritage; hand to hand combat skills, and skills with various laser and bladed weapons. But, he soon discovered mastering the armaments aboard a starship to be equally challenging. As a Lieutenant Junior Grade, Jovar sought out training and experience as a Tactical Officer, responsible for manning the ship's tactical station; maintaining weapon and shield readiness status along with executing firing solutions. He has learned to use the Phaser banks in conjunction with plotting firing solutions for the Photon torpedoes quite well. It is a skill set he takes pride in. As a result of his experiences at Tactical, Jovar has learned strategy from observing his two mentors, the First Officer and the ship's Captain. He enjoys a strong friendship with the ship's Chief Security Officer who trains with him on various combat scenarios on the holo-deck. The two have learned quite a bit from one another, with a dash a cross-training of skill sets. [color=a0410d][b]Other:[/b][/color] Jovar tends to be somewhat reticent, accentuating the professional Starfleet officer. During his off duty time, he enjoys socializing with the other crew members who have become his friend. If someone strikes Jovar has having a warrior mentality, he takes to them quickly. Most of the security team are respected by the large tactical officer, especially the chief tactical officer who has quickly become one of Jovar's best friends. In regards to professionalism and protocol, Jovar prefers to follow the [i]book[/i]. He demands junior officers and enlisted personnel to refer to him as either [i]sir[/i], [i]Lieutenant Commander Jovar[/i] or [i]Commander Jovar[/i] while on duty. The use of the simplified term, Commander for Lieutenant Commander is something naval forces have used for many centuries. Officers of the same rank or station aboard the ship are permitted to call him Jovar or his nickname, Jo. Off duty, his friends call him Jo or Jovar. No one refers to him as Commander Jovar during off duty hours. Jovar enjoys a variety of food at mealtimes and will try a wide assortment of recipes from different cultures. Jovar's favorite dishes include Rokeg Blood Pie, Jumbo Romulan Molusk and Ratamba, a Bajoran stew. His favorite beverages include Bloodwine, Romulan Ale and Vulcan Brandy. Jovar can hold his liquor quite well, due to his size, but if he consumes a sufficient quantity, as with anyone else he loses inhibitions. While sober, Jovar is willing to fight, but while intoxicated Jovar is willing to become mischievous, playful or to sing, yell and play games involving a lot of laughter or acting out roles. Jovar does enjoy playing games with friends off duty. He will play anything available, from card games to strategy games, to playful parlor games. Trivia is one of his specialties. Although, he does not consider himself a diplomat in the least, it is something of interest to him. He observes his mentors and is learning diplomacy. When the ship makes contact with Klingon ships, occasionally, he is called upon to communicate with the other ship, not only because he speaks Klingon fluently, but also because he understands their customs and traditions, which is a diplomatic boon for the USS Orion. [color=a0410d][b]Sample Post:[/b][/color] [i]'Second officer's log, Lieutenant Commander Jovar. the Captain has asked the First officer to instruct me on diplomacy. I am willing to learn and optimistic of the future. I believe this skill set will aid me in becoming a First Officer and one day commander of my own starship. It appears having a knowledge of cultures, understanding how a society interacts with one another is key to diplomacy. It is something, I have never considered a skill I inherently possess. To be honest, it is one of the few things I fear. Although, I enjoy the company of good friends, I would just as soon as punch a stranger's throat than negotiate a peaceful settlement. Jumping into battle always gets the blood flowing and makes my senses tingle. It is when a Klingon truly feels alive. There is nothing finer.'[/i] Jovar paced in his quarters while dictating to the computer, his thoughts on the upcoming diplomacy class with the First Officer. The tone at the portal indicated someone was attempting to gain access. "Come in!" Lieutenant Commander Jovar announced in his deep booming voice. The door slid open, revealing the ship's First Officer, who stood at least half a foot shorter. The human officer looked up at him, "Jo, are you ready for your class?" "Yes Commander," Jovar responded. "Allow me to sign off here. Can I meet you in the Ready Room?" "Sure Jo. I'll see you there in five?" "Yes sir! if not sooner," Jovar answered and the Commander left. He verbally signed off from his personal log, picked up a datapad and headed out the portal. He ran to catch up to the First officer. "We can walk together. I'm ready now, Commander."[/hider]