I woke up to the sound of someone shouting... I didn't know who it was, or why they were shouting, but I quickly found my teammates fighting someone. I stumbled over to them, and tried my best to attack them with my rapier, however, I was far too tired from this, and I ended up missing, and almost falling down as he dodged my attack with relative ease, and even laughed at me as I attacked. I thought the chilly night air on its own would be enough to actually wake me up, but, unfortunately that wasn't true. Backstabs, on the other hand, had a much easier time of it, she somehow found a way to live up to her name, and actually stab the guy in the back. Unfortunately, he somehow lived through that, and now he was looking for a way to escape. I tried to tell everyone to surround the guy, but I was too tired, and I could have SWORN I said something, but, apparently, I didn't. The thief mumbled something about 'an unfair encounter', and 'this was supposed to be low-level loot'... but I just assumed he was as tired as we were, even if he seemed far more alert. Wait, loot... did he actually manage to steal something? Oh, if he did, then I will NOT be merciful... I've already had problems with thieves before, goblins who almost killed me, a few days ago, and I was not about to lose something to some thief. Not while we were supposedly winning, according to his grumbling. I tried to check him for anything that he might have stolen in the confusion of battle, and I notice that he seems to have an extra coin purse... more specifically, he had Dorisma's coin purse. Why did they always go after her money, anyways? "Hey, guys, he stole Dorisma's stuff!" I finally manage to shout to everyone in the party, just to make sure we don't let him run away with it.